Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

Actually, I am thinking Trump really is going to fire him shortly out of a canon. It fits the M.O”


Yup, and the media will show them shaking hands, as Trump wishes him well. Trump tweets some bullshit about Rudy being a great guy who might’ve missed a step or two, blah blah blah.

Actually, I am thinking Trump really is going to fire him shortly. It fits the M.O.

Whatever are you referring to? Competent lawyers routinely expose the existence of key evidence in their possession to opposing parties

Crazy Old Rudy is at it again! He’s done very little (not great) work for my Administration. Only worked with some low level staffers on some minor details. He did okay after 9/11 but hasn’t done much since. Sad.” - Trump in a few days, probably.

There is more explanatory truth in this than most folks might actually imagine.

Two giant buildings fell on his brain.

I am SO going to implement this in the habitus at my house: I will clean this toilet, and when it is over, I WILL BE THE HERO. ANYTHING I DID WILL BE PRAISED.

i’m sure there’s people who could point to specific ailments or some shit like that, but honestly, these are folks who have been working in high-stress, high-visibility political careers for generations, and retiring a decade or two ago would have helped them preserve whatever they had left.


Naturally. Loud, aggressive New York bullshitters are only truly appreciated by other loud, aggressive New York bullshitters. 

i mean, yeah, but i remember some commentary on a degenerative milestone for Rudy’s brain-meats being trotted out as a partial explanation. if only every week was not a thousand years long.

This is how Trump wound up with Scaramucci. He’s comfortable with loud, aggressive New York bullshitters. He fails to realize how poorly they perform in situations with accountability.

This is been the average Republican M.O. since Nixon. Alas, the Democrats mastered this back in the 1800's. The difference now is we have a government so filled with morons that they decided to build their ship out of screen door mesh. Yes, I’m saying that previous administrations were somewhat better at keeping


Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

Got it.  Thanks.  Didn’t catch the boat manufacturer part. 

The pic at the top of the article is a Zodiac, a brand of inflatable boat used by many military and scientific groups.

That type of inflatable boat is called a Zodiac

“Paul is dead”