Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

Enjoy your mountain fortress, loser. Come hang out with the rest of us running around the wastelands in our kickass murdermachines as we comb the deserts looking for gasoline and water!

Aha! Only until the water rises to your quaint mountain abode!

Exactly. Regardless of whether the impeachment ends with a Senate conviction (which it almost certainly won’t), it still has to be done. First, it’s part of Congress’s fucking job to do it. To that end, if the Republicans are going to vote against the impeachment or the conviction, then so be it, but make them do it.

“Let the scientists speak!”

If you can run fast enough, you just need to trace the series of tubes and hack it off with a machete.  Then the emails spill all over the ground.

You are the best kind of correct!

Thoughts and prayers, earthlings.

I still want his financial information. Want that smoking gun that shows he was funded by laundered Russian money going through Deutsche Bank’s Estonia subsidiary.

I learned this lesson when a best friend married a horrendous person.

Uh, yeah. This must be some Microsoft exchange like feature because the Unixlike world prefers promiscuous mail delivery.

Also tends to only work inside your own organization.

“ would be nice to know what it is.”

if your car can’t handle a big impact, then it probably shouldn’t be on the road

But original programming steals valuable airtime they’re otherwise using to rerun an entire season of The Office every day!

hi mrskia, appreciate your feedback, always good when my blogs create a little buzz

“Trigger warning?”

It’s like metamorphosis - ugly car goes in, better-looking car comes out.

Mentally disabled people say funny stuff sometimes. Deal with it.

“I guess I’m just that sweet.”

Jack, I really did not appreciate the tone of this post, which came off as unnecessarily stinging. I don’t know if you feel like you’ve got to appeal to the hive, as I see that he hasn’t been pollen very well, but instead of negatively droning on and on about Mr. Buttigieg, you should try using a little honey