
I’m... concerned that some people are looking at this and this it’s satire. There was absolutely nothing indicating he wasn’t being serious, and his comments about “science going too far” were absurd.

There is also nothing wrong with actually pressuring companies to show support for Pride.

but every year more of us are able to see right through their ploy.

Is there an HGTV host less likable than Allison Victoria? She’s very self-impressed, likes to denigrate others, and isn’t all that creative.

You know how butterflies (and other small things eaten by not-so-smart predators) often have big circles on their butts to give the impression that these circles are the eyes of a much bigger creature? That’s what those Kardashian leggings look like.

Ok so I’m the oldest (and corniest) person here - I’m the only one who sees this as a ripoff of open-cheek pants made by Ryan O’Neal’s character in “So Fine”?

When the story first broke, I was constantly misreading it, thinking a reality television show winner leaked confidential info? I was so confused because I didn't think anyone who went on reality TV would do national security work?

This. It’s not a Trump thing. It’s an executive branch thing.

I’d be shocked if the Biden administration did anything more here. The early indications, on a variety of issues, seems to be that they are more than willing to abet many of Trump’s actions that sought to expand the authority of the president and shield the executive branch from accountability, even the most egregious

As I said in 2018 when this story went down, I love that her name is Reality Winner, we might as well lean all the way into the absurd.

So you’re fine giving your kid a negative label, but you bristle at having one applied to you? You might want to think about that one a bit.

I’ve never been a big fan of hers, and she absolutely deserved to have her comeuppance, because the things she said were horrible.


Adding to the excellent points from others in the comment section, I just want to add that I’m really disappointed at the tone of this piece. Jezebel is about empowering women, giving us information, and understanding the daily trials that society and the patriarchy throw at us. Or did this kind of mission change?

Despite the general lack of scientific evidence supporting the belief that most cis women experience serious adverse side effects to hormonal birth control methods.

There’s a lack of scientific evidence because science has never bothered to look into the matter before. There’s no evidence either way. Be wary of wellness culture and the consumerism involved, but don’t dismiss women’s claims that hormonal birth control wasn’t great for their mental health just because no one’s yet

I’m thrown by the sneering at people who don’t want to use hormonal birth control? I haven’t used it in years, not because I’m a sucker for “wellness” buzzwords but because it made a noticeable negative difference for me. I’m excited that we’re exploring alternatives because my (non-hormonal) IUD was really painful to

Regardless, the forgiveness cycle for men behaving badly is quite short

Agreed that thirst is the actual worst, however allow me to retort...

Congrats, Jezebel, Stretch Armstrong is a huge get for the team.