
It’s not an excuse but didn’t his aunt allege that her father and brother (his father) raped her, in her book? I went down a rabbithole on this family awhile ago because I think their kind of origin story is fascinating: beginning with a Jewish socialist doctor (Julius) who was convicted for illegal abortion, whose com

I honestly had to scroll back up and look at the author because I just assumed this was a Joan post.

It’s like every GMG site is convinced that this extremely dead horse is dire need of more flogging. Not literally every site, but it sure feels that way.

She was raised by a vapid and critical Kris Jenner, surrounded by half sisters who were thin and petite without understanding the reason she was full figured and eight inches taller than them was because she took after her bio dad (mom’s hairdresser).

I think we have at least a few more articles to squeeze out of this story. What does Tina Fey think? How about Steve Carell? maybe we can get a slide show or two at some point if we are lucky.

I’m stuck on the eight-figure payout Harrison will allegedly walk away with. He isn’t the first to see a windfall among controversy, and he probably won’t be the last.

It’s getting ridiculous.

I firmly believe that the only people who felt that an apology was even necessary were the least deserving of one. 

This is one of those things that I, a black woman, could not give a fuck about. It is a massive distraction, and an easy place to put anger about a much larger issue with our country’s history and its current state. I do not know ONE other black person who truly gives a shit that at 19, Kemper participated in some

Yoon wrote on Twitter in response to Doyle: “Dear sir, as an Asian Canadian woman, a Korean-Canadian woman w more experience and knowledge of the world of my characters, the lack of Asian female, especially...”

FFS. Yeah, the apology is solid, but it’s one her parents should be making. No one becomes a debutante by just rolling up to some organization and signing up. These girls are nominated by their parents to be “presented to society” at specific events. For which there are often months of rehearsals and dance lessons.

She shouldn’t have said boo, because she had nothing for which to apologize.

This obsession with public self-flagellation is truly something to behold. Entire articles on how apologies are crafted by PR people and then dissected in excruciating detail and deemed either bullshit (as most of them are) or okay this one is fine because it’s insanely over the top and she sounds like she’s slapping h

Eh the weird donation suggestion makes it even more fitting for a Pride month story. They made a pretty cookie and posted a “supportive” message. They’re not bigots but not activists either, not tracking the issues enough to know who could use monetary support. They’re not assholes but they’re also not particularly

I predict that, in ten years or fewer, every small town in America will have two of every business, a conservative one and a liberal one. Each business will have a small but visible sign, even just a patch of red or blue in their logo, that tells people to drive on by depending on their political views.

This story made me feel a little better about the world... if only for just a moment.

Probably the same reason as all the other things and times he’s given these mixed signals (“they’re prisoners trapped in a cage, but I still love them. They wouldn’t help me at my lowest or while my wife was viciously bullied, but we’ll reconcile one day”). Genuine love, stockholm, cynical protection of whatever

Like, I agree, you probably don’t need to get vaccinated if you’ve already contracted the virus

I can no longer access my notifications, either. It just takes me to the article.