
I think her parents manage her or at least they did, and they sound like typical awful stage parents who exploit their kid. 

I blame her parents. I remember when she first became famous for stranger things, she dressed and acted a lot older than her other co-stars and I remember reading about her family and there were a lot of red flags that made it sound like her parents and the whole family were basically living off her and I don’t think

I’m not a Gloria Allred fan but she’s right here. What happened with Cosby sucks but it’s also something a lot of lawyers knew was coming because the fact is what the DA did is unconstitutional. It has nothing to do with Cosby’s guilt and everything to do with the prosecution fucking up. At the same time, I’m fairly

But would that turn ever be an issue if you were driving at 15MPH?

He spent the entire season cooking elevated reimaginings of traditional Mexican food and won on the merits of his molé

Robert Downey, Jr. did spend a year in prison though.

despise the Catholic Church but both kim and her dress are trashy and tacky. 

Don’t forget Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman.

Please don’t let common sense and reading skills stand in the way of JUSTICE FOR BRITNEY. That’s not how things work around here. 

At first I was like, why are the Brits asking to have someone sacked for a kiss hello between colleagues. Then I saw the photos. But you gotta love the hypocrisy of saying this is about ‘breaking social distancing rules’ and not because he got caught having an affair. And there are photos. 

In the words of the ever wise Dan Savage, DTMFA.


Bieber needed better shoes and a tie but at least he’s wearing a suit.

What do you do for people who don’t want treatment though?

The GOP isn’t a terrorist organization Democrats can just refuse to interact or negotiate with. Like it or not, they’re the other dominant political party in the country and you can’t just wish them away and pretend they don’t exist. The Democrats don’t even have a real majority in the senate and their majority in

Exactly. It’s also Diplomacy 101, which is a skill politicians need for their day to day jobs.

What’s a “pure” victim?

With all the hand-wringing about the lack of Afro-Latinos, everyone seems to be ignoring that In the Heights has so far been a total box office disappointment.

LOL why? 

So basically, what unites these people - bullies and victims alike - is an unending thirst for attention and a love of petty drama?