
Personally I’d rather have early onset dementia in my 50s having enjoyed the years that came before that, rather than be dementia free and miserable and still with the man I was too scared to leave because I was still too scared to venture out because of Covid and despite being vaccinated. But that’s just me. 

Comedy gold. Of course she’s Cuban-American. Of course. 

I have a feeling the buttcrack leggings are going to replace these hideous ruched-ass tiktok leggings as the clothing of choice for desperate thirst traps on tiktok and instagram. Not that I’m surprised, it’s what we deserve. 

She is the worst! Everything about her is annoying. 

I can’t stand Alison. Not surprised at all to hear it’s all a scam and she and Donovan have no clue what they’re doing. This chick is a condensed version of every self-improvement/entrepreneur motivational speaker out there. She’s got a very superficial grasp of historical architecture and no respect for the houses

I just noticed it too!! But at least it was in the story about In the Heights lol.

I admit, I’m some kind of heretic and I don’t worship at the altar of Lin-Manuel Miranda so I don’t really care about In the Heights (because I imagine I will feel about it the way I did about Hamilton when I finally watched it) but can I just say, as a Latina, I’m so glad to see you using Latine instead of the

Ben’s a mess but I’m suspicious of anyone who can’t be single for 5 minutes. 

Tell me more! I love going down old gossip rabbit holes.

No, it just reveals that truly no one cares about this non-incident.

In the face of it all, I’m stuck on the eight-figure payout Harrison will allegedly walk away with. He isn’t the first to see a windfall among controversy, and he probably won’t be the last. Question, though: Have ABC and Warner Bros. Television also compensated Lindsay, James, and all the other contestants fighting

Wow, you guys are really doubling down on trying to make this huge nothingburger a thing, aren’t you?

Thank you. It’s so fucking puritanical and performative. And I feel like I’m on crazy pills because people seem to be so fucking into it, hook line and sinker. 

Contrary to what the disingenuous children who write for this site would have you believe, cancel culture isn’t just the successful cancellation of a person. It’s the whole mobbish culture of even trying to get people cancelled over ridiculous bullshit like this. And it’s as much a thing on the left as it is on the

Seriously. Even the comments at The Root were like, there is nothing here. I wonder if the writers here know they’re writing garbage clickbait/outrage porn or if they actually believe this nonsense? 

to be that accessible and transparent.

She’s so fucking thirsty and always has been. I never understood why people were always gushing about her, she’s been annoying as fuck forever. 

My personal theory - and yes, my friends and I have discussed this far more than is probably healthy - is that the queen backed off and is letting Charles deal with the whole Harry and Meghan thing. There have been rumours that she has privately been delegating a lot to Charles, probably because she’s tired and feels

Except it seems that Vanessa was at least considering having the shoe made and was in discussions with Nike over it? Yes, I know she went through a horrible tragedy but she was still in discussions with Nike to make a shoe named after her dead daughter who wasn’t famous and whose only claim to fame was that her father

Thank you for saying it. The whole time I was reading this I was wondering why anyone - including Nike and Vanessa Bryant - would even consider making a shoe for Gianna. She wasn’t famous, she was the daughter of someone famous and while it’s tragic that she died, why would anyone want to make a shoe named after