
Her parents are well known for being aggressively desperate stage parents who relocated the entire family to LA just to jumpstart her career. Her dad tried to start a bidding war for agents, so he was clearly motivated by money rather than choosing the best people to work with his daughter. They served her up to

Exactly. She must have a “team” so WHY WAS NOBODY PROTECTING HER????????

You do seem to hear a lot more grooming rumours around her than others (maybe it just feels that way). I wonder if predators come out of the woodwork when they get wind of someone who they think is easier to get to. Also makes you wonder about her team and why these things weren’t shut down at the start, if just from

she’s needed better parents since the get apparently.

I will read almost anything that doesn’t move faster than me, but I will never again read anything by Jonathan Safran Foer.  In fact, I might not even be willing to use it for kindling, on the off chance that I’d see a sentence before the page burned up.  Depends on how cold I got.

From his perspective, it probably was happy, aside from your frigid ass turning him down. ;)

I think women understand men and where their heads are at a whole lot better than men understand women. Because we have to.

My home state of Mississippi is in a similar boat as Arkansas, and I can say with decent confidence that the cause isn’t access to the vaccine. I’m watching healthcare professionals on my Facebook feed BEG Mississippians to get vaccinated, and every post is littered with conspiracy theory nut jobs. The pandemic proved

Exactly, there are no more excuses over a year in for people not to get the shots. If someone isn’t vaccinated, that’s on them and them alone.

*I'm not fighting Kinja to try and post links, but Google can direct everyone to sites they trust to access information. 

Well, it is Arkansas. Do we really think it’s because the average AK citizen can’t find a way to get it, or maybe it’s for a different reason?

Yes, a proper track should have a sand trap and a tire barrier with a catch fence.

Came here to post exactly this. There’s been no shortage of “If a MAN...” in these comments, so let’s keep it going. If a man locked himself in a room with his child and refused to let the child leave at the end of visitation, what would we say about that man? “Just a good father who wants to be with his child”

No matter how many times I see it, I will never understand lipliner outside of one’s lips. It’s never going away, is it?

also, for the being forced to take her meds? yeah, common amongst those mentally ill. tho i agree lithium is a very harsh drug and is not for everyone. i also agree her father is shit and should not be in charge. but lets not fool ourselves into thinking that means she isnt mentally ill and doesnt need major help.

Not sure what’s going on here!:

You could do some sports betting out of these two, which is likely to last longer. Both will likely be measured in months rather than years regardless given their histories.

This is how you know I’m Gen X (or Xennial for the five people who use that expression). The only thing I know about that guy is…Dennis! I hope Arvid, Janice, and Jawaharlal turned out not to be assholes at least.

Ah yes, the “curse of Eve.” Love that evangelicals decided that PMS is God’s punishment for eating the apple & giving it to Adam too.

As recently as the late 70s/early 80s I was in the car with my mother when we heard a report on the radio saying that doctors had proven that menstrual pain was real. We stared at each other in disbelief. Yes indeed, the majority of women through the majority of time, recorded and unrecorded (I think it’s safe to