
Exactly. Talk about a dumb take. Anyone who actually watched Mad Men would realise that hot take couldn’t be further from the truth. And if any dude who watched it took away that Don was some kind of hero, that would just tell me that particular dude isn’t very bright.

I can tell you don’t watch or follow tennis by your comment. Saying players can have a career skipping the grand slams is beyond ridiculous.

Most of the “outraged about enforcing the rules of the sport” people aren’t tennis fans and don’t watch or attend tennis matches. She wasn’t even in the top 10 to win this event due to her poor performance on clay. I can guarantee you 98% of people commenting on social media about this have no idea the French Open is

I’m a lifelong tennis fan - it’s the only sport I watch - and I definitely watch the press conferences after matches as well. They’re an integral part of these tournaments.

She was never going to win anyway, and she knows it. Which is why she tried this here and not, say, the US or Australian Opens, or Wimbledon. She’s weakest on clay. If she wants to change the rules, she needs to form an alliance with other players and try to negotiate a change.

She’s pissed because a journalist at a tournament in Italy fared to ask her about her bad record on clay. So dumb. It’s normal that tennis players excel at either clay or hard surface play, very rarely both. Osaka is a hard surface player and pointing that out isn’t an attack on her mental health and she needs to stop


This. The whole thing about Ted Bundy was that he was pretty good looking and charming.

Ha! Typo. That should read ridiculous posers.

Thank you. I’ve been saying that since the 90s but so many people fucking worship her mediocre ass. 

I’ve made this argument before. Being against cultural appropriation while only caring about the feelings or perception of Americans descended from the culture in question feels also kinds of tone deaf, arrogant, and I hate to say it, unmistakably American...

No Doubt were always ridiculous powers. Gwen’s always been a fraud. I’ve been saying this since the 90s and I never understood why she’s so beloved. 

How FUNNY that white people are the only ones who ever make money off all of this supposed “cultural exchange!”

I think it’s probably mostly because she’s very much a musical theater type. Like Idina Menzel. It’s like there’s no point in hiring her unless she’s also going to sing so it limits her options.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s trying out this nonsense at Roland Garros, since that’s the one grand slam she’ll probably never win because of her style of play. It’s the only one of the grand slams that’s played on clay, and she’s definitely more of a hard surface type player

Yeah, I’m sorry. The whole thing is very precious and makes her sound like she’ll only talk to journalists who are kissing her ass. If you’re an athlete competing at that level, you should have the mental fortitude to sit down and answer questions after your match, like tennis players have been doing for fucking

Brad and Angelina are narcissistic assholes if they can’t put their differences aside for the sake of their children growing up with healthy relationships with both parents who don’t badmouth the other parent whenever they can. They should never have had kids, let alone 6 of them. They’ll all be adults before these

If I were famous, I would only talk to the press if I had to - i.e. promoting something or career protection. I think it’s normal. Talking to the press and maintaining an active Twitter profile so the entire world can know what I think about every issue (and feel entitled to demand an explanation/apology if they don’t

And it has to be messy dick that will inevitably cheat on her. 

It just shows there are irrational denialists on both sides, and it’s not just the right that’s immune to facts and science when it goes against their agenda. Or their irrational fears/anxieties.