
Um, plenty of Asian women have long black hair too, I didn’t know it was only associated with Native Americans. Also plenty of Latina women who don’t identify as Indigenous. 

You mean besides desperately attempting to remain relevant by playing a starring role in Taika Waititi’s midlife crisis?

No worries!!

minimized the trauma she endured from her fractured family

I never said you should trust people.

That totally makes sense... for you. I think the point is that we’ve reached a stage where people have to assess their risk and act accordingly. For people like you, who live with someone who can’t get vaccinated for (I’m assuming) medical reasons, it makes sense to take more precautions. I’m being more careful at

Yes, on both counts.

Here in DC they’ve started going door do door to do vaccine outreach and convince hesitant people to get vaccinated. A friend is getting his second shot tomorrow and he got a text message from CVS about a partnerhsip with Lyft where they’ll give you a free ride to and from your vaccination (up to 20$ each way). I

And that dude lost by very little. The fact is, Republicans don’t really give a shit about stuff like statutory rape as long as the candidate is against abortion and pro Trump. Democrats and other political operatives need to understand that and develop alternative strategies, because the fact is Republicans don’t

He’s throwing his mother under the bus and calling her crazy, all to convince everyone the BBC did it and defend the institution that is really responsible for her death (the Crown). He’s a total shite. 

Charles wasn’t allowed to marry who he wanted to marry, and was basically told to do his duty and marry a ‘suitable’ bride, and then do what all his ancestors did before him - i.e. have all the side pieces he wants as long as he’s discreet about it. Diana was expected to do what all her predecessors did and ignore the

This is very true. While Bashir was dishonest in how he gained access to Diana, she was already determined to give an interview, and I think it’s safe to assume she would have said something similar had the interview been conducted by someone else. So yeah, Harry and William and the Earl of Spencer’s allegation that

I think the problem he’s highlighting is that Bashir approached her using dubious methods/false pretenses. Not the same as Harry sitting down for an interview willingly and without any kind of deceit on the part of the interviewer. Surely, you can see a difference? 

I loved the original GG too even though I was already too old for it the first time round. Not looking forward to this. 

Not only does she have an atomizer, she uses it to make cocktails (probably very dry Martinis) which only makes me love her even more, something I didn’t even think was possible.


It’s the “liberal” media (basically the left and center leaning media, not the overtly conservative one like Fox news, etc) and the left’s fault for not being able to handle online criticism and responding with knee-jerk reactions any time a Twitter mob starts to call for someone’s head, whether that mob is on the

I can’t stand William but both he and Harry have great bodies. Or at least what I consider great bodies because clearly that’s super subjective and everyone likes different things. I think it’s hilarious that all the men polled basically think he’s a 5 and obviously think a more jacked/bulky look is better but I

Thank you! I love looking at stuff like that. 

My pleasure!