
No. They recreated it but it was a pretty faithful reimagining. I read an interview with the series’ production designer and it was pretty fascinating.

No. They recreated it but it was a pretty faithful reimagining. I read an interview with the series’ production designer and it was pretty fascinating.

These are the Real Housewives we’re talking about. I wasn’t aware they were supposed to be taken seriously, or hold valid opinions about the state of the world. I thought the whole point is that they’re tacky, trashy, out of touch hot messes who act like they’re better than the poors? 

Granted, my exposure to the world of the Real Housewives is pretty limited but isn’t the whole premise of these shows to watch a whole bunch of rich, tacky/trashy, spoiled, out of touch hot messes do ridiculous shit and stir up drama on TV?

I don’t know that one but the name alone makes it sound terrible.


I mean, it’s this week’s truth.

Except Lohan was actually talented. 

I have trouble trusting anything Demi Lovato says or does so I’ll use the pronouns they want but serve them with a major dose of skepticism. Sure, they’re a drug addict, etc. but I think their biggest issue is that they’re also a raging narcissist and attention-seeker and a pathological liar and it’s probably not

It’s almost like Americans suck at foreign policy, regardless of who’s in power?

Netanyahu is smarter and a much better politician/strategist than Trump. I fucking hate Bibi’s guts but he is fucking brilliant at clinging to power. 

Or King of Queens. God that show was stupid. 

The other thing is, unless the authors of the study are saying this is a good thing, why shouldn’t this be studied? I have no doubt that what the study posits is true, based on my experience as living on Earth as a female human for 40+ years. But even though things may seem self-evident, there’s value in studying and

Yeah but he looked 40. A hot 40, but still. He had more lines on his forehead than any of the parents.

Came here to say Andrea Zuckerman.

Wow, you must be really butthurt. 

Thanks for the link. We listen to a lot of NPR, so this particular piece is not unfamiliar to me; I actually heard it when it aired a year ago.

This isn’t about refusing to share emotional labour. This is about the fact that in heterosexual relationships, us women almost always do a disproportionately large share of the emotional labour and we end up being the ones responsible for maintaining family ties - not just with our own families but with our partners’

I fucking hate Seward Johnson. He’s up there with Thomas Kincaide and Chihuly in the pantheon of outrageously bad art that people fucking love because people are fucking tacky and have no fucking clue.

Why do you ask?