
You should have eaten the chicken! It was cooked, no need to throw it away after just 5 hours out.

Haha no worries, I’m just being overly dramatic LOL

I didn’t find “Filthy Rich” offensive so much as I thought it was fucking boring and poorly made and added nothing new to the story. If you kept up with the Epstein case in the papers and online, you already knew everything in the documentary. In fact, they left out a lot of stuff that was way more interesting and the

Forget the MeToo angle, that statue should be banned just for being hideous and tacky. I fucking hate novelty statues but people are fucking tacky so of course they love that basic shit.

I would tell you to let your fiancé deal with his anti-vaxxer/Covid denier dad and stepmom, and with his drama-loving sister, since he’s the only one getting married that actually wants them there. And also to send a clear signal to your fiancé that you’re not going to be taking on the emotional labour of dealing with

I’m not surprised. Also given how Pete Davidson was treated after they got engaged after dating for 20 minutes, as if it was all his doing and she had no part in the emotional immaturity.

I’ll rephrase, because I understand not everyone is on Twitter, much less following Teigen: I’m surprised other media outlets hadn’t reported on this. A lot of people remembered the Stodden tweets (even if Stodden hadn’t spoken out to say she’d received DMs in addition to the public tweets) and a lot of smaller

I’m actually surprised it took this long for people to remember her nasty tweets to Stodden. Teigen has always been a thirsty attention whore and a hack and I have never understood her appeal, but she’s always been good at social media and that includes some years back when everyone was being mean to tabloid fixtures

Um, maybe it’s not the same in every town but here in DC, so many people meet their significant others at work. 

What does “morally certain” even mean?

I don’t remember it that way. It was more that people took a more nuanced view than the Jez OP that, on the one hand, rightfully railed against the ‘great man’ cliché, but then fucked it up by taking an equally simplistic take on the other extreme. This latest news doesn’t really do anything to change my view that

I think he’s a mixed bag, just like most people. Less greedy and awful than Bezos, less evil and repugnant than the Kochs, and he’s done a lot of good through the Foundation and gives more money away than a lot of other billionaires, and supports better causes, but also entitled and, like most men with his level of

All of this looks exceedingly bad for Gates, and it seems it may only get worse as his divorce moves forward.

Forget Tiffany Haddish or (especially) Kelly Clarkson, they should give Fran Lebowitz Ellen’s spot.

So what you’re saying is Israel has to be eliminated? 

It’s possible, or at the very least they accelerated it. But I think it’s sort of been happening gradually over the past 3-5 years, maybe longer.

Out of the selection you posted, I would definitely go for the Eloquii or the vintage CD but my recommendation would be to look for a cool vintage blazer. Doesn’t have to be CD and cost 200$. With a bit of time and patience, she can find an amazing vintage blazer for the price of any of the options you posted, and


Andrew Yang is running for office. Even if it’s just mayor, it’s mayor of a huge city so his positions on this actually matter and can have an impact. He was also clearly trying to cosy up to the Orthodox Jewish community of New York, which is pretty damn influential in New York’s mayoral race.

That is LITERALLY her job as White House spokesperson, so I don’t understand why you’re criticising that? Unless you’re confusing people admiring her competence at her job with the actual substance of White House positions? I certainly don’t agree with everything the Biden administration says/does, but even when she