
Portia has barely worked in 10 years, I think she enjoys the lifestyle that being Mrs. Ellen affords her. 

She can’t cancel the show now even if she wanted to because she’d be in breach of contract. There’s one more season left in the contract after which it won’t be renewed.

Haven’t you heard? We’re Not Supposed To Like Tina Fey Anymore. So anything positive about a show she’s involved in has to be preempted with that nonsense lest we mistake the author for anything less than perfectly progressive and cool. 

She def has a mean streak in her humour. But I think it makes her a far more interesting and complex comedian and gives her writing a tension and slight darkness that is far more entertaining than the current trend for simplistic, earnest Gen Z humour that is Always Nice.

That’s the logic of basically every Jez writer.

Wow, I never thought I’d agree with you on something so strongly.”

And for that price!

So all that to say whoever this chick is, she and this dude had an affair when they were both still married (sounds like she was in the process of maybe reconciling with her ex) and now they’re lying and claiming they’ve only been together for a month?

I understand the sentiment but at the same time, I’m a little terrified by the amount of responses here praising mask wearing even now that most of us (at least here in the US) are vaccinated or have access to vaccines. I get that men can be awful but hiding ourselves away under layers of cloth to not have to deal

She’s so fucking trashy and tacky too. Proof that all the billions in the world can’t buy good taste. 

I think I might share your sentiment if it weren’t for the fact that I’m bothered by us women having to change our clothing and/or habits as a result of men’s behaviour, and also the fact that even after 14 months, I still fucking hate wearing a mask. I wear glasses so there’s the fogging up, the constant adjusting,

I think she’s aware, and she knows who her target audience is and it’s not the Every Woman, but she can’t say publicly that Goop was never meant to be inclusive or accessible. She’s also very much aware that even negative press is good for business, so I think leans into it even more knowing it’s going to get people

So because jezebel doesn’t known the definition of ‘enabler’ we all have to jump off that same cliff like lemmings?

“Fucked up” ≠ enabling.

Because what happened with Josh Duggar was actually enabling? His parents KNEW about the abuse of their own daughters, it’s not like they didn’t know it didn’t happen, or didn’t want to believe it, they just thought protecting their son was more important. The ‘actions’ they took included making the girls dress (even

Oh I know! I’m saying based on the facts we do have, the tabloids (and Jez!) are giving way too much weight to a hot take that makes Joan Summers’ dirt bags look like the work of a credible, accomplished writer.

Um, if you believe the tabloids. She was so concerned it took her since 2013 to get a lawyer?

Giuliana Rancic’s career has always been a mystery to me. She’s a shitty interviewer, she doesn’t know anything about fashion, she’s not witty or funny or smart, and she looks like death warmed over. How is this woman a red carpet institution?

True. But people don’t necessarily get paranoid if they’re going to be awarded, whereas if they were going to invest money with him they might be more inclined to look into him in far more detail

If you’re close to someone, it’s normal to be subjective and biased. But that’s why the opinion of accused rapists’ friends and co-workers shouldn’t matter, and we need to stop asking women who are in any way connected to accused rapists/abusers how they feel. Just because a guy didn’t rape/harass you, doesn’t mean he