
Thank you. Stop asking women who are in any way connected to an alleged or confirmed perpetrator what they think, how they feel, or to try to make them in any way responsible or accountable for the crimes of men. This is witch-hunty, puritanical bullshit.

I don’t get any notifications. And I didn’t when I lived in New York, unless no sex offenders ever moved into my neighbourhood in all the years that I lived there, which seems unlikely? I think the rules must vary a lot from state to state. 

I know it’s Goopy so people automatically assume the worst but maybe it’s just that everyone’s baseline is different? I don’t have a high tolerance for alcohol. I never have, and I can’t drink alcohol daily without feeling like shit. I don’t think people who have a drink daily are alcoholics, either. If I started

I mean... even pre-pandemic, two drinks a night would kill me, especially if I did that several days in a row. Why do people assume everyone is a regular drinker? I have nothing against booze, I’ve just never had a high tolerance for it. Two drinks for someone who has a glass of wine every night with dinner is no big

Not to defend Goop but if I started having two drinks a night I would be a wreck by the end of the week. My tolerance for alcohol is pretty ridiculously low, and I can’t really handle drinking more than once or twice a week. I know plenty of people who have a glass or two of wine every day and feel fine, but don’t

I don’t doubt Goop’s orthorexic or at the very least totally type A. But a lot of people used comfort food and booze to cope with the stress of the pandemic and the isolation of being cooped up at home, especially at the beginning. I.e, most people I know, including myself. Though in my case I’m more into edibles than

I have a gluten sensitivity and I should definitely not be eating it either. I’m not celiac but it gives me cramps and gas and bloating, and over time it increases my inflammation and joint pain. But sometimes I have to have pasta and only the real stuff will do, or I want a piece of real baguette or pizza from my

Do Americans check the sex offender registry regularly? I have no idea if there are any registered sex offenders around me and even the busybodies on Nextdoor never post about that. Maybe you live in a particularly paranoid and NIMBY-ish (flyers for a homeless person, really?) area? Obviously, I knew about Epstein,

Seriously, this is some Daily Mail level stretching.

The sad reality is that the vast majority of men are selfish assholes who won’t do a load of laundry and most women have to nag to death or them to do a half assed job they have to do over, or just resign themselves to being domestic slaves, in addition to their full time jobs outside the home and keeping up with the

So now you’re going to follow the lead of people who claim drinking is anti-capitalist and that you drink because you fell prey to marketing? Which, maybe you did but maybe the problem is relying on others’ leads, regardless of their politics?

The only rebellion is not having kids. If enough women do it, maybe something will change. “Intensive parenting” (i.e the biggest bullshit ever invented) while sober isn’t a solution either.

The whole point of having multiple properties is to rent them out so you can make money off them, not have them laying around empty while you lose money paying maintenance. 

Hahahaha I will never again be able to think of the US without also thinking “messy bitch who loves drama”. Thank you. 

Must we live in a world where everything is either perfect or horrible, and we have to choose a side in some epic battle?

Thanks. This piece started off ok and then took a nose dive straight to Hot Take city, as usual. 

That’s because she’s one of those women who love alpha, macho player types. And tacky, flashy ones to boot. And drama. She probably wouldn’t even be attracted to the type of man who would be faithful.

This. Menthol and peppermint and all that crap is unnecessary in lip balms, basically they feel nice in the moment but dry your lips out long term, which makes you use more, which makes you ‘addicted’. As with everything you put in your body, read the ingredients first. Finding the perfect lip balm isn’t that hard

Bill gets his money from Microsoft et al, he doesn’t get paid by his foundation, but nice try.

Sure, in the long term, it would be great for charity to be unnecessary. But for now, until all the structural issues that make charity unnecessary are resolved, I think it’s a good idea to continue sending developing countries vaccines and medicine and healthcare.