
Jon Hamm did such a good job portraying this reductio ad absurdum version of the Self Made American Man, too. Don was someone so in panicked flight from himself that he designed a Kafka-esque nightmare of a life, devoted his every waking thought to it, had to filter every single thought and emotion through it.

Absolutely. Mad Men deserved every award it got. Christina Hendricks was completely brilliant as she played a woman who realized that her sexuality was always, always, always going to be what was noticed first, and how she forced those circumstances in her favor. The fact that it mirrors her actual life is sad,

I don’t remember anyone lionizing Don Draper.

I don’t remember anyone lionizing Don Draper.

Pffft....I don’t even own a television set! Well...I mean...I do. But I never watch it! Except to peruse only the most educational documentaries. But that’s it! Mostly....

I love that show and have watched it through about three times. Her character’s treatment by the men around her was one of the focal points of the show; not in a garish way or one that glamorizes lasciviousness, but her sexualization by those around her (and the ways that she sometimes uses it as a tool) is presented

Joan’s body was basically its own character and the undergarments women tortured themselves with at the time were horrific and changed women’s bodies to meet the structural ideal of the time. Christina Hendricks is a talented and beautiful woman who became famous playing someone with a bangin’ body, that was not a

I don’t remember anyone lionizing Don Draper. He was an asshole. He did terrible things. Even when he tried to be good, he just couldn’t. But eventually we learned a little about his childhood, and what made him what he was.

“Among the harrowing accusations is that she would show up late to set.

Really doubling down on that KKK Princess thing, aren’t you?

These are excellent points. I think the better way to approach this issue would be a bigger piece on the issues you bring up. But that’s not happening yet; instead this really seems to be about “Ellie Kemper’s problematic racist past”

I didn’t have an opinion about Ellie Kemper until yesterday when The Root (and then a few hours later the A.V. Club) broke this non-story. Unless we hear otherwise- like, as if she is a known racist troll or something demonstrative like that- I think it’s time to let this one go. As others have already said, she was

Enforcement of the rules and portrayal in the media are two separate things - the ITF and Grand Slams don’t really have much to do with how the media portrays players, and I think it’s absolutely right to blame the media for their treatment of players like the Williams sisters, as I said above they’ve had to deal with

Welp, Black historians and journalists clearly need to pull a Cyrano de Bergerac: find an attractive white man as your front, and publish everything under his name. I bet that things like the 1619 Project become much less controversial, once the important white objective voice is involved...

Kemper was 19 years old when she was selected to be the Queen Of Love And Beauty. At that age, teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.

This is a sermon, not an article. And like all sermons, it is full of subjective interpretations, flamboyant statements, and outright lies. Too many people are trying to make her into Rosa Parks. She could not perform due to health reasons so she withdrew (after failing to get special treatment). That’s how it is

This right here. She voluntarily entered into a contract with obligations, and anyone who thinks that a privileged, wealthy, high ranked player DOESN’T have a whole team of advisors to counsel on those obligations is an idiot. She chose to be immature and unprofessional in her handling of this, and her mental health

It’s also a problem because all of the other players have to fulfill their contracts and do press. If Osaka is let off the media hook, then the other player would need to be afforded the same courtesy, lest Osaka have the unfair advantage of being excused from press. I applaud her for doing what is right for her own

I understand her argument, that media questioning was causing her emotional distress to the point where it could become debilitating, if not on the court then off it.

However, like any other job, she has a responsibility to report to her employer (French Open/Grand Slam officials) her concerns and then work to address

She should just watch Bob Dylan’s interviews and see how reluctantly sat in on interviews, and turned them around! I will grant that Dylan is a master at mass-communication, which few people are.