
Yes, good for her for doing what she needed to do to take care of her mental health. The other part...not exactly. “They” are the industry that pays her, and the professional tennis money-machine is a heck of a lot bigger than any one person. It would be a shame to lose such a great talent, and it might affect profits

This is one of those situations where I don’t quite know how I feel about it. I mean her leaving the tournament and the sport for a while to focus on her mental health if she feels that is what she needs is a completely right decision and I hope that she gets in to a place where she is able to get better.

I think it’s important to point out that the $15K fine came with a warning that she might be expelled from the tournament, and that the statement was signed by the leaders of all the grand slams, so Australia, Wimbeldon, and the US Open too.

Li Chan has it right. Women in general are no longer so willing to be tied to the kitchen stove and rearing of children for many years while the men go out to business during the day and see their male friends in the evening. This is definitely an Asian cultural change. Back in the olden days, one supposed that one

This. The pre and post match / race / game... press conferences are part of the job for every single pro athlete nowadays. Talking to the media is what you do if you want exposure and you need exposure because that’s why you’re paid. (actualy, overpaid to contribute nothing useful to society, one may argue).

Thanks for taking the time to explain it! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼

Frequently it seems like the projection (on kids or otherwise) kind of robs the victims of their humanity. By making them perfect martyred angels, it sets them up for “deserving” their fate if they turn out to just be flawed people.

Thank you! I fought for so long with my peers about how shitty and just genuinely dumb she is, and got shit for it for years. (In tiny fairness to them, I was the oldest, and tended to more well read. My peers just “liked the music”, and didn’t appreciate my cutting remarks that I could name 10 women each who were

I really hate all the “And a child shall lead us!” that happens whenever a public tragedy happens involving a child. Adults want to ooh and ahh, but never change anything. Even in the cases where the children do pursue causes related to their tragedies, nothing changes. “Heroic” high school students have been fighting

But like I said, these are worldwide artists. No Doubt and Gwen Stefani are world famous, she’s not Blake Nelson. Like I’m not saying in defense of Stefani in this particular situation but if Japan didn’t have a problem with it and if those are Japanese women, then I could see that she could have a point and it’s not

Me, reading this article:

But these are worldwide artists and then it goes to who should be prioritize? I can’t speak about this situation but as a Mexican/Puerto Rican from those places, I know there is resentment from how people in the US from those descent sometimes feel like they talk for everybody while at the same time being a lot more

60s peace and free love tie dye hippies turned polo shirt-wearing, Halliburton stock-holding boomers be like “hold my beer.

Don’t really give a shit about Gwen Stefani

“because she dressed counterculture and sang in a rock band, everyone just wedged her into this punk box and assumed she was socially aware and politically astute and smart and cool, as many counterculture people are.”

As a Gen X-er who has grown increasingly disappointed at how many of his old goth friends have gone

I’ve said it before here, so this is just a reminder that Gwen Stefani is...just not smart. Not bright, not a critical thinker. She’s a cute girl with good style that she aped from the OC rockabilly scene (especially Latinas), and because she dressed counterculture and sang in a rock band, everyone just wedged her

“Sold out” lol she’s been on a major record label since like 1994.

Not to apologize for this genre, which is certainly icky, but isn’t it a pretty well-established fact (from cops, witnesses and people who knew him socially) that Bundy was fairly charming and good-looking (though it’s amazing what was considered hot in the 70s), and that’s why he was able to talk women into going

Honestly, the Japanese largely don’t give a shit about “appropriation”. As a culture, Japan feels inherently superior to everyone, and can be unapologetically racist and xenophobic. Of COURSE stupid Americans are imitating them. They seriously don’t need a bunch of bloggers trying to rescue them from cultural

Gwen is terrified to grow up. Literally wearing the same clothes and same look and sound from 25 years ago and simpering next to her “aw shucks, trucks” fiancé. Critically appraising her past choices is impossible as it’s threatening to her frozen sense of self. I don’t know what scared this woman who had everything