
I saw a good article about how a lot of service industry/hourly folks still aren’t vaccinated despite wanting to be because they’re afraid of the side effects resulting in lost wages. I wish they’d come up with a funding program to cover that at a national level - i.e. my workplace gives us a paid day off for side

Yep now in Colorado we’re going to do the same thing as Ohio: to bribe people to get their shots, a lottery..

You could go into red states and tell every vaccine hesitant or refusing person that if they don’t get the shot, donations will be made in their and their towns’ names to BLM and Planned Parenthood.

If bribery isn’t effective enough, by the end of June it might be time for reverse psychology. Announce that the vaccine will only remain available in blue states with priority being given to immigrants, particularly the undocumented, and everything past that will be distributed at the border or donated to countries

I’m okay with the bribery from a pragmatic point of view (hell, one state is offering a lottery with five winners getting some huge sum of money) but honestly, I didn’t have to be fucking bribed to do the right thing/civic duty. It enrages me sometimes that some people demand free shit or money to do what they should

This is tough for me. I’m an adoptee, from one of her orphanages. So, this idea of her as a saint was a huge foundational belief throughout my childhood/teenage years. My parents still lay my survival (abandoned at a MofC chapter house in Western India) squarely at her feet.

GAH I had nuns on the mind and read this as Christopher Plummer lol.

I’m guessing for the overwhelming majority of people the last time they thought about Mother Theresa was when she died, when her reputation was still high and the reporting was almost all positive, or when she was sainted.  So definitely for most people her reputation needs a revisit, and I’m glad it’s getting it!

Excuse my naiveté, but I thought we had all agreed the answer was maybe yes years ago.”

This guy is going to annihilate Cheney. 

The unidentified woman reportedly died by suicide

I loved OG GG. I was heartbroken when one of my friends who worked on the crew of the reboot told me how awful the series is going to be.

It’s almost like New York media targeted at an under 40 crowd may not do a very effective job of conveying how most New Yorkers feel about the race.

This bicep analysis definitely came at a funny time for me re-entering the gym for exercise and all, but that attitude is a lot of what compelled me to comment. I don’t have a lot care or snark for the royals at the end of the day, but even the critiques that he should be more defined because he’s rich and has free

And a real thigh gap isn’t a rectangle.

I appreciate the name/comment synergy here.

A little bit of photoshop and a little bit how she’s standing. She and all her sisters all stand with a slight rotation in their hips with their legs apart, and then the picture is photoshopped. I have big ole thighs, but can give myself a little bit of a thigh gap if I stand that way. It’s uncomfortable and

That is the worst Photoshop thigh gap though. No one looks like that.

I’m not a prude, I have no problem with nudity or anything, but these just don’t look right- they’re aesthetically unpleasant.

Louisiana State Police called the officers’ action ‘awful but lawful.’