
Me too. IMHO, his place is still tasty šŸ˜. Here is the link I mentioned in my original post. His is #8.

Thank you! The reason I asked is because I was looking at an abandoned homes of the stars website andĀ Halstonā€™s apartment was shown as one of them, it was for sale. So when I watched the episodes, I was struck by how it looked like it could be the actual apt. Thanks for the link!

I think thereā€™s definitely an age component too. When I was younger, it was much more ā€œWho are you to say a man canā€™t look like this?ā€ and now itā€™s more ā€œI have no interest in being ā€˜a manā€™.ā€

Her press secretaryā€™s response is the best response. Why even respond?

I would never fault a life long spouse for staying loyal and trying to garner campaign support, and I am glad Biden as the selected Dem candidate won the election.

Thatā€™s fair! I mean, I trulyĀ donā€™t care about what kind of shit you want to talk about them-my only horse in this particular race is the ā€œnot falling back on transphobic tropes as a means of showing disrespectā€ one.

I honestly prefer the use of either a first or last name in articles because ā€˜they/themā€™ is REALLY fucking confusing to read and follow.

I am old (bout to turn 42 in a month) and fully support using whatever pronoun. But JFC it makes reading the written word BRUTALLY difficult. Itā€™s not great writing to use ā€˜Lovatoā€¦

Boy, Demi Lovato really is that quote from Warren Beatty about Madonna:Ā They donā€™t want to live off-camera, much less talk. Thereā€™s nothing to say off-camera. Why would you say something if itā€™s off-camera? What point is there existing?

Wish there was a way to guest op these blog posts. Thereā€™s a lot to be mad about, but disparaging a study without actually reading or understandingĀ it just creates confusion around academic inquiry for folks who donā€™t or canā€™t read scholarly articles and dissect the methodology and results... :-/

Finally, a study that explains the popularity of According to Jim because it sure wasn't the "comedy!"

ā€œCould a 27-yr old female actor play a high schooler?ā€

After 14 months with no live musicals and living vicariously through Hamilton on Disney+ and watching snippets of my faves on youtube with my kids...Iā€™m totally ok with this. Ben Platt can play this character until heā€™s 70 for all I care. He defined Evan Hansen and is an absolute magical, hot-mess, captivating joy toā€¦

I mean, you pretty much transcribed my own inner monologue, so yeah. People are fucking tacky and they do love some basic shit.

I love a well-justified and stiletto-sharp takedown and I loathe Seward Johnson ever since I saw his Lincoln statue, and I had no idea he was a J&J heir, so: thank you, thank you, thank you.

And they always seem to be red. Hmmm is there a correlation

And then in the next election they stateā€™s voters will march right in and grant power to these exact same guys again.

I don't know. Mattox and Tucker whatever (frat lit author, not Carlson) both published decently selling books, so I would imagine the market for douche lit is at least large enough to turn a profit.

If we were ever to have to watch a (real) biopic about a rich, privileged white man overcoming all his vices, ascending to (relatively high) heights before dramatically falling from grace when everyone realizes he was hiding his double-life the whole time, Iā€™d like it to be about Armie Hammer. Heā€™s at least interestingā€¦

Hope he squints a bunch for no reason so we can all congratulate him on how hard heā€™s acting.

No. ā€œLOVEā€ became cliche as a victim of its own popularity, but Seward Johnson starts with cliche and goes downhill from there.