
I’m just glad that they’re called the Arianators” and not the “Arianation.

Yeahhhh some of us remember those years ago when she tweeted about Quvenzhane Wallis being “cocky.” She was like 9 years old and doing a lot of press due to being the youngest ever Best Actress nominee. And Chrissy decided to get on the internet and tweet “I am forced to like Quvenzhane Wallis because she’s a child

Agree 100% 

In my former tech company, the majority of marriages were between people who worked there. Me included. 

Me too but I have read two write ups and this one and one other and the other was extremely sympathetic to CT.  I think people just like her so she’s getting a pass but she shouldn’t be

#1 They’re not boarding the trains is their way of letting you know how much worse it is going to get.

What’s the saying?  Once the trickle gets close to happening, those at the top give themselves a bigger cup?

we have an acquaintance who worked for Microsoft and he wasn’t surprised at all to hear they were divorcing. Says Bill is quite the hound dog.

Ugh. I get the sentiment behind not wanting a police presence given the history and present. I do, and am am personally leery of spending any more time than necessary with cops, and won’t pretend to truly know Ms. Doroshow’s experience with the police.

I am just going to sit over here and sip my tea and be conflictedly grateful that the racist history of denying proper pain management to black people has left us out of this disaster for once.

Now don’t bring nuance and scenarios in this, everything needs to be judged across the same hard line.


*Bill Gates* asking you out for dinner is WAAAAY different than *your boss* asking you out for dinner.  

Capitalism does not work for the people and never has. It’s a scam. 

Epstein stuff aside, this doesn’t seem like a *huge* deal to me from a workplace conduct perspective. The closest thing to an ok way for a boss to ask an employee out for dinner is probably sending them an email and telling them to ignore it if they want, and letting go after that.

It’s not *good*, but I personally

Are we truly shocked? Anyone? Bueller?

What’s the “we”? You realize that a primary happens, right? So maybe those who bitch about Obama not doing enough voted for Sanders, but Sanders didn’t win more votes than Biden. I’m not sure what how that connects.

Torture, shmorture. Have you seen his delightful paintings???

Or just talk about the events that are happening without using any buzzwords at all

Your employees are unhappy with how you treat them: