
If Rancic didn’t go away after speculating that Zendaya’s 2015 Oscar hair looked as if it smelled “like patchouli oil … or weed”, then she ain’t ever going.

I’ve worked with Giuliana. She has one of the most unreasonable managers in television(and that is saying something). I think because of her manager Giuliana learned every bad lesson- and producers and crew working with her suffered because of it. Also, whenever E or NBC is showing someone the door early they often

I hope you don’t feel this was an argument. I think discourse on these topics is beneficial for all.

I mean I am going off of the actual definition of the word enabler, I literally cut and pasted that definition. It’s not my own. And there are absolutely women who know their husband is leaving each night to go attack women in the park and not saying anything. Those women are enabling those men to commit crimes.

Perrie Edwards is pregnant!”

who is giving her a pass? she is responsible for ignoring the victim and discounting her narrative. How did she enable a crime that already was committed? She didn’t contribute in any way to his crimes.

Did Scarlett say Dylan was shameless or use other derogatory terms describing her? Or did she just say that Woody was always nice to her and she enjoyed working with him and she couldn’t fathom he was doing something so terrible. Let’s not forget the PR machine Woody used, as well as his connections in NYC to make Mia

I don’t doubt Goop’s orthorexic or at the very least totally type A. But a lot of people used comfort food and booze to cope with the stress of the pandemic and the isolation of being cooped up at home, especially at the beginning. I.e, most people I know, including myself. Though in my case I’m more into edibles than

Still nope.  These are two different offenses.  Women are not responsible for men.  

Not believing women is wrong but that doesn’t make her an enabler of Cosby’s crimes either.  Women are not men’s gatekeepers.  So yes, she should have not defended Cosby but his crimes are his crimes.  

this seems like a huge reach at best.

The article reads like a Q-post. Occam’s razor folks.

Or maybe it’s because the youngest kid hit 18.

I went to a tasting from a distillery that had several kinds of single grain whiskies, like spelt and oatmeal. I had fallen hard for the oatmeal one, so wanted to try the others. I can’t believe this, but I’m not going to diss Paltrow for quinoa whiskey. As long as she drinks it and keeps it away from her cooch.

Not that I want to defend her at all, but you can eat bread and pasta without gluten. It’s gonna be a bit weird unless you can find really good versions, but you can eat gluten free and still chow down on your carbs (I’ve got so many celiac friends. Not gluten sensitive, celiac. Like, detroying thier intestines

When you see Gwyneth on talk shows…she almost seems in on the joke? Kinda dry and goofy? Maybe I’m giving her too much credit that she is as self aware about her image as someone like Mariah Carey, but I can’t believe that even she doesn’t realize how ridiculous quinoa whiskey sounds.

Jesus, I thought quinoa whiskey in the first paragraph was a joke. She’s such a parody of herself.

I work with a woman in her early 30's who once told me a story about how her parents called the police one night when she forgot to check in with them to let them know she’d gotten home from work. She was 24 at the time. I can’t even fathom this level of attachment parenting.

And personally I think we were better for it. I know so many people in their late 20's and early 30's who are very immature and can barely manage to perform the most basic responsibilities. At least GenX was given the independence to become functioning adults.

Mothers who work outside of the home spend as much time on childcare as stay-at-home moms in the ’70s.”