
another recent item in my brain, which is that one time Ellen drank three weed drinks and took two melatonin, and then had to drive her wife to the hospital for emergency appendix surgery

I think Brandy gave good advice. I like the idea of focusing on the future. There are lots of kids today who could use support. Become a big brother/big sister. Fund raise for an organization that supports neurodivergent students. As disappointing as it is, there will always be kids with their own kind of oblivious

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Right behind you though. 

Agreed. American society, as a whole is the proverbial “messy bitch who loves drama.” Regardless of where on the political spectrum any given American  finds themselves on, they are always the downtrodden, scrappy underdog; deeply aggrieved by historical events, and has “the receipts”. Obviously I think some peoples’

It’s getting worse every day. I spend a fair amount of time talking to people about filter bubbles and the effects of technology on our brains. But it’s scary how unwilling people are to give any kind of critical thinking to how they use their devices.

That's fair. 

I’m also not sure how up to date she is on him, Bill Gates certainly doesn’t have an “ongoing friendship” with a dead man.

You can’t really dissociate the wealth hoarding from the other aspects when he probably gained an unknown proportion of that wealth and influence from also trafficking women and girls.

“America has to stop looking for heroes in its Bill Gates figures and start assuming they’re all Jeffery Epsteins.”

I guess there are many paths that Bill Gates could take. Or Jeff Bezos. Or Warren Buffet. Or Musk. They could hoard most of (or all of) their wealth and pass it on to their children and spouses/girlfriends. They could fund a new building at a famous university or hospital so that they can slap their family moniker on

Gates does not have an “ongoing” friendship with Epstein, because Epstein is dead. Gates also, according to the article you linked to, cut off personal contact with Epstein in 2014, never entered into business with him despite Epstein’s repeated pitches, and stopped allowing his employees to entertain those pitches in

People would do well to remember that the skill/personality set that it takes to build great wealth in the American capitalist system is to a large extent antithetical to the skill/personality that gives it all away. So to an extent, I’m not surprised to see how much trouble Jezebel, but leftist sites in general, tend

^This. I mean, he even says in that top post that he’s doing it because he wants to feel better. The folks who love to scream “fatphobia!!!” at every fitness or weight-loss related thing have become complete caricatures of themselves at this point.

Thank you for understanding and restating the point that “a lot of us” have been making about rich people and their charities. I’ll try to rid myself of ideology and find some common sense.

I’m hyper-sensitive to menthol, so finding good lip balms has always been troublesome. My cheapo keep-one-in-the-car option is Burt’s Bees Pomegranate. My SPF choice is Lip Trip. Overnight I tend to use Aquaphor. But when I’m treating myself, my absolute favorite is Awake Beauty Lip Therapy.

I have seen my waist size fluctuate, but nothing makes me feel more “in shape” (whatever the shape is) than being able to walk up a steep hill and not having to pause and huff and puff.

This is so great, thank you for sharing!

This. My SIL finds it so important to tell all of my nieces that they are beautiful. She is really proud of this. I do not get it. Why do we need to be/feel beautiful? 

She can use the title and Harry is still a Prince. They removed the HRH which is what made them working royals.

I don’t think it’s fatphobic to want to be in better shape, no matter who you are.