
That was my point. The Republicans have sunk so low and have become so evil that even those that lack ethics seem like they are the good guys. But, in reality they are the least awful of the awful. 

The thing is I don’t consider her ethical at all. It’s just that’s how low the bar is for republicans: simply acknowledging reality makes you stand above the rest of the garbage.

Imagine if someone told you in 2009 that the demonspawn of Dick Cheney would be seen as the most ethical member of the GOP House Caucus? The woman that had to distance herself from her lesbian sister so she could win her first election and shares every single political ideology of her father is now the second or

Whole Foods is the truly ridiculous grocery store price wise, you'd go to Stew Leonard's to spend less. Also Costco is great and people from all different backgrounds appreciate it. It's bulk stuff, but it's pretty good quality wise. Going to Costco isn't quite the oh poor me situation this article implies. C-Town

Or Yonkers. Sure, we have some nicer sections but most of Yonkers is virtually indistinguishable from the Bronx. 

This article was written by an ignorant 20 year old who can't spell the word research, let alone comprehend its meaning. 

Shit even my husbands 80 year old granny had a boyfriend! Like you can continue to live while you are alive!! What is wrong with people! 

Compared to other billionaires he is not shitty.  

I’m at a loss for words here. This is a weird take.

Why was it deemed necessary to conflate Jeffrey Epstein having met Bill Gates as part of this divorce story? That coupled with the fact that you apparently don’t know what the Gates Foundation does amounts to some shitty ‘reporting’, Joan.

My boss told me about them splitting up while his stepdaughter was in the store, and the 13 year old was like “Oh, isn’t Bill Gates the charity guy?”

And then I shriveled up and died because I am ancient and apparently his rebranding effort worked

That’s because it’s snark for snark’s sake from people who think they’re being witty and clever but really they’re being petty and condescending. When people point this out to them they’ll insist that they were trying to be humorous and make a point while implying that it’s the audience's fault for not getting it or

Gates isn’t a saint. But the guy has done a huge amount of good in the world (and continues to do so) through the foundation he self funded with billions. (And now has billions more donated by other billionaires like Warren Buffett)

And he didn’t just put his money in it, he retired from Microsoft and has been running

Jaysusfuckingchrist, Bill is 65. 65 is not old. If you’re 22, maybe. If you’re 76, like me, 65 is not old. Sit down, punk.

Joan, stop proving what an ignorant asshole you are.

Bill Gates is a lot of things. But do not shit on the Foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has worked tirelessly to eradicate Polio; create self-sustaining, efficient sanitation for developing nations; funding family planning; eradicate malaria.

together run their charitable organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which does something I’m sure. I just couldn’t tell any of you what exactly.

It’s also unclear why anyone would need to know this via Twitter, but I guess when one is a self-important billionaire, these sort of things feel necessary to stand on the internet’s street corner and yell about through a megaphone.

The snark here isn’t even funny, it’s just grasping and mean. Dirt Bag used to at least be fun.

My mom is friends with one his old nannies who worked for them for years when their kids were little. She says he’s more or less a normal, relatively nice person, who would sneak off during fancy dinners with lots of guests to hang out with the kids.