
hehehe, I think about The Good Place often when it comes to buying something or doing something innocent enough but then you used child labor & pesticides, etc. without realizing. 

Excuse me> Janet , at the Premier event for her show, got on the mic and admitted... IN PUBLIC... to having sexual relationships with members of the cast and crew.

An executive producer sleeping with the help. While simultaneously demanding more money. Unethical and entitled.

It’s crazy how foreign and/or offensive the idea of doing something for the public good is to so many Americans.

Low skill might be the wrong word, but low profit? I make money on eBay, but it's not a fortune. It helps us get by. 

I’m kind of with you—and I don’t think it’s cold. Thrifting is fun, and it’s a hell of a lot more sustainable than a lot of other fun things, plus, whatever else you’re doing, you’re at least seeing some of your money go into the community in reasonable ways. Besides, I’m not necessarily looking for fashionable

I also thought of this—going back a few years, but still:

Yep—good show, good episode, and exactly what is at stake here. There is no way to be entirely “clean” in our way of living, no way to create zero negative impact.

Also—there are resellers and there are resellers. Right now, there are quite a few people, mostly women, who are out of work thanks to the pandemic. They’re risking illness to go to thrift stores, trying to hustle some sort of income.

I do feel eager to stem the purchase of new cotton from China, considering how it is produced.

It’s a troll - jumping from “well I have a SEKRIT medical history!!!” to throwing up the specter of groups who have legit reasons to be suspicious of the medical establishment (while carefully not claiming to be a member of those groups).

The price of most everything has gone up in the last 20 years, but wages haven’t kept up. What you’re describing isn’t a thrift store issue; it’s a wage issue.

Also this: “There is little evidence that suggests thrift shop prices are uniformly rising in response to secondhand clothing trends.” That should’ve been the end of the article. 

I don’t want to sound cold and uncaring, but listen, thrifting is one of the few sources of dopamine left in my exhausting suburban existence. I will dragging my white housewife ass out of the house, over to Starbucks, and then on my monthly Goodwill trip and you can pry my vintage Baby Phat jeans out of my cold, dead

I had the same thought. I cleaned up and sold a mid-century chair that the previous owner had left in the basement of our house, so I presume that is self-gentrification.

So you don't really have any health issues...just like you're not actually a POC with a valid skepticism of the government..

Oh yeah.  Same, I was trying to sympathize with your point of view.  I guess I should have said that I think of that The Good Place episode all the time.  Can’t do anything right. :) 

Was also thinking of The Good Place while reading this.

I worked at a thrift store for years, and almost all of our resellers were low income people. It’s a lot of work for a small margin, and frankly if you’re already affluent it would not be a good hustle.

“Thrift store gentrification describes the phenomenon of affluent shoppers who voluntarily buy merchandise from second-hand clothing stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army. When those same shoppers resell that merchandise on Depop or Poshmark at significantly higher prices, the prices at thrift stores then rise to

This is dumb. I assume next they’ll claim antiquing is “garage sale gentrification.”