
In Britain, what class you are is not about money, but about bloodlines. Doesn’t matter how rich her parents are, they’re not “upper class.”

Good information here— I never really understood why it was called “Latin America” until I learned it just describes the local language being from a Latin-derived language.

I see her as sad.  Painfully thin and always having to be the perfect woman

My favorite part is how the Firm traded & negotiated with tabloids to destroy Harry & Meghan instead of talking about Williams cheating and treatment of Kate M. like trash. Ahh princess fairy tales.

Yeah, I definitely thought it odd too. And wondered if it reflected how Americans vs. Britons perceived class and money. Because here in the US, the Middletons would *clearly* be classified as upper class on a socio-economic level. They were never people that had to be concerned about the mortgage.

anyone referring to Kate’s upbringing as “solidly middle class” is delusional. Her and pippa lived an apartment that cost millions of dollars after graduating and literally did nothing but be ya know “socialites.” 

Kate ticks all the same boxes that made women appealing to the masses two centuries ago. She never complains. She always makes sure to look her best. She rigorously watches her weight. She makes sure she does whatever the Firm tells her to with a smile. She ignored the philandering before and after her marriage.

She’s older and from Orange County. Loves to be super flashy and put together. I’m not entirely sure of it, but if I had to guess I’d say this is a case of “new money” where they feel the need to show off, more so than people who come from old money. But that’s just an educated guess! 

My mother is a native spanish speaker - and longtime social worker -and she’s so confused by latinx. Like - truly it’s harder to get more “woke” than someone who worked at planned parenthood for twenty years and has been marching for immigrant rights since the 70's and she’s just like “que es latinsh? latiness? How do

Please say this louder...Latinx makes absolutely no fucking sense in relation to the language.

Latin American here. I prefer to use Latin American and have for a long time but if the only option is Latinx, I’ll take it. I wish Latine would be more widely used in the US like it is in Latin America. 

White liberals assuaging their white guilt is super important OK? They don’t go by what the actual people they are supposedly lifting up say, they go by what they think those people should say/think. They’re not allies, they’re fetishists. And that isn’t helpful IMO. Carville is absolutely right in that Democrats


Is that pronounced “latin-ay?”

I feel like there’s two questions here: who has the moral right to define the term, and who is, practically speaking, going to actually determine how it is defined in the majority of use-case scenarios. I don’t know the answer to the former question (though, at a minimum, I’m fairly certain it’s not straight cis white

I don’t personally use Latinx, I feel we already had a gender neutral moniker in calling ourselves Latin American. Either way most Latin Americans identify with their country of origin first, because we are not a monolith. That all said, complaining that people use the term Latinx is an utter waste of time, when our

Latinx” has not caused me or the other Latinos in my family to stop voting for Democrats. But the term is obnoxious, grating, and I can definitely see it turning some people off, so much so that they may not even want to hear what you’re saying as soon as “Latinx” leaves your lips.

They basically think the vaccine will cause the virus to spread, this is also brought to you by the people that don’t take the actual virus seriously. 

This is partially true. I'm vaccinated and I have an adverse impact on the unvaccinated: if they don't want to get vaccinated I tell them to fuck off.

This is such fucking bullshit. I got my second dose last week. You can barely feel the tracking chip.