
St. Vincent gets the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Yea, I think this is fine.

The abolition movement has nothing to do with rich white men who commit corporate crimes. Her answer was spot on. She truly does not have a right to pontificate about criminal justice reform per her family’s experience, i.e, one of extreme whiter privilege. If she opened her mouth, she would have gotten dragged.

It is

Re: the label making her do press. Yes, exactly. And even Beyoncé had to work her way up to achieving the level of fame and success that allowed her the ability to refuse to do interviews. She didn’t start there, and plenty of otherwise successful artists never get to that level.

I was put off by the preamble, where the interviewer said, “I love famous people but I also find them quite silly, like a Schnauzer wearing a bowtie.” Uh, okay. If that’s attitude was at all apparent to St. Vincent, then maybe that’s why she “tended to interpret [the interviewer’s] questions in bad faith.” Or maybe

“Find exercises you enjoy” is key. If it’s something you dread, you’re just not going to do it.

I definitely got to experience some of this firsthand. I have been a regular exerciser for almost 2 decades. I am a gym exerciser and have never had much luck motivating myself to exercise without some kind of equipment. (I can’t jog because I have a wonky ankle.) So last year, when the pandemic started at the end of

So gorgeous. And I don’t think she’s had that much work done. May we all age so beautifully.

Its kinda sad that its refreshing to see a middle aged white man dating an age-appropriate woman close to his age.

The Saturday thing gave me all the feels and all the pain. Especially since time doesn’t matter during the Pandemic and it’s actually the 76th Saturday of March 2020.

Lindsay Lohan never had a chance with those parents. 

I also love grilled cheefe.

Joan faked illness to avoid Oscars as she was too afraid to lose especially to Bette Davis...but even in her “sick” bed, she was of course camera-ready...

My partner too! His family are all anti-vax (just this vax...and like...flu shots) and were really freaking him out about the vaccine sending him all kinds of crazy blogs from "wellness gurus." He was still pretty anxious when he went for his appointment and the ANGELIC pharmacist spent over half an hour explaining

We can’t get our stupid stimulus cards to work; it’s insane. And Husband taps out after three damn minutes because it’s “too stressful” and “we didn’t earn the money.” FUCK YES WE DID, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN.

I’m in Ontario. Not going so well for us here, at the moment, unfortunately.

My husband’s the same way, he was eligible early due to his job and he just signed up with a local healthcare group, and they took forever to get vaccines. I was pushing him to try to get an appointment himself, especially since he could access twitter all day at his job. He refused. Finally the healthcare group sent

I would genuinely break up with someone if they didn’t get the vaccine. I may be single again soon, and I would require my prospective beaux to get it, or I would refuse to be intimate with them. I got my two shots awhile ago - I was eligible a bit early as an educator. My consort got it, but - we might break up for

I’m so proud of my uncle who got his first shot last week, when his crazy anti-vax wife refuses. It’s tough for him to do anything she disapproves of. He tried to quit smoking several times and she shamed him back into it. *insert eyeroll emoji here*

Anti-vaxxers, it’s time for your vaccine.