
Where are you from? i appreciate your perspective. Sometimes I too think we are exhausting, and it’s hard to articulate why, you did a great job. 

Justice=\=Undoing things. George should be alive right now. He’s not because of one person’s grossly abhorrent behavior. That person has now been prosecuted to the full extent of the law and found guilty by a jury of his peers. That is justice. To minimize that, especially when it is a white cop found guilty of a

“... Foster had allegedly threatened to leave the production if Rudin stepped down.”

So she wants the froyo shop to be exactly as disordered as she is, no more and no less. I totally understand, because I want that from pretty much everything. But my “exactly as fucked up as I am” is undoubtedly someone else’s trigger.

I was going to talk about how my husband can’t eat ice cream and can tolerate frozen yogurt so fro-yo is a godsend to him....and blah blah....but honestly.....

I also found it helpful because it’s hard to pinpoint why the feeling is different. Like I have depression and anxiety but this felt so different- like I was becoming invisible even though I was regularly talking to friends and family and seeing my best friend who lives nearby who’s been in my “bubble.” But I never

I’m sympathetic towards Lovato. And as someone who has also had food issues my entire life, sympathetic to people struggling with eating disorders.
But c’mon here. Nobody goes to a frozen yogurt shop for weight loss. Maybe 20 years ago, but...
We all get that she’s trying to make a bigger point, but nobody’s asking for

This is simply privilege at its worst. As the partner of a Type-1 Diabetic, I know there are more reasons for sugar-free sweet options than “diet culture.” I hate diets as much as the next lady, but this feels like an excuse for Demi to soapbox.

I know right? I expected way more people saying this.

In the meantime, the food, sugar, and health care industries who caused the obesity epidemic LOVE it when we fight like this.

Never a fan of de Niro but I wonder if a few brain cells have died in the recent past. I have seen and heard him interviewed here and there and he comes off as confused and often inarticulate. I’m not saying dementia but ....mmm

I don’t understand how anyone can defend Lovato in this situation. Aside from the point others have made that it’s on you to manage your triggers instead of expecting the entire world to cater to your specific issues, the fact that frozen yogurt was originally devised from diet culture is a moot point. Birth control

As a diabetic I think she is an asshole.

I actually found this article helpful, because it gave a name to my overall mood for the last year (and, frankly, for most of my life in suburbia). I’d been calling it Stimulation Deficit combined with Inability to Escape People I Love But Who Are Annoying When Experienced 24/7/365. I spent alot of time in my car

I prefer the (less) sweetness and (better) consistency of froyo over iced cream. Don’t care about calories.

Ahhh all of this is making my fucking head hurt. The solution to “diet culture” run amok is to educate people on how to eat in a way that supports and sustains their body, and that includes listing ingredients that some peoples’ bodies can’t tolerate. Part of being in recovery from anything is to learn to manage

i like the context of knowing that a lot of people are languishing right now because it actually takes it out of my own anxiety and depression that will exist before and after a global pandemic and puts me in a collective feeling of struggle, which is a perspective you don’t always get as an anxious!

Also just like, that type of labeling is such a relief because then you don’t have to question workers about the ingredients, which can feel embarrassing even though it shouldn’t.

Demi Lovato is exhausting. One would think making decent music should be enough to keep her name circulating in the media, but nah. Destroying businesses for performative “body positivity” wokeness is a way, I guess.