
Yes, people do that because some people are basically covering up eating disorders by lecturing other people about why they should give up dairy for REASONS.

Thanks for this very sensible post.

You could seal the proceeding, like they do with juvenile/family court cases. Where the proceedings themselves are private.

Unfortunately this is basic due process. People have the right to defend themselves before facing legal consequences. Basic due process is that someone accused of wrong doing gets to know when, where, and who of the accusation.

You know who else says getting sick is your own fault? Cults like Scientology and (the now defunct) NXIVM. 

This article resonates so much. My mom put me on Weight Watchers when I was nine, after many years of restricting what I could eat. The thing is, when I look back at childhood pictures, I was not fat. I wasn’t sinewy or lithe, but I was not fat. I was athletic. I played elite soccer from a very young age. I don’t

For Pete’s sake, Joan. Can’t you even spell Betty White’s name correctly?

This is just disordered eating.

Like every #thinspo or #paleo or #keto thing.

Talking about it - giving the thing credence - is normalizing it. Can we stop? This isn’t a “secret”, it isn’t “health”, it’s just another form of disordered eating and it’s harmful.


Ok so this is RHOD - the Dallas crew.  Wow, they really are the least glamorous, aren’t they! 

Who are those people with the Dr Pepper / Jesus shirts? Lol.  Not your average reality TV ‘squad.’  They don’t really seem to be ‘goals.’  


I usually get a different brand that has a "No Added Sugar" variety, but yeah. I'm like adding a splash to this or that, and I can't drink milk, so... I'm not worried.

I’m one of the latter-latter. I love cow’s milk but I understand the negative impacts on cows and the environment that come with factory dairy farms. Also non-dairy milks keep so much better than cow milk, so I find that I’m not wasting as much and avoiding the half-gallon “too little”, whole gallon “too much” cycle.

Looks to me like it’s a useful macro tool - at population level - that shouldn’t be used at a micro level - applied to individuals.

I also agree with the other posters, the real story is how underfunded the NHS is - and more broadly, how public health is being increasingly treated as a costly luxury in European

I’ve been on this site for over a decade, and one thing that never changes, no matter the editor-in-chief or the writers is its scientific illiteracy.

When I went to the US I had to provide finger prints, retina scans, an ESTA, and my passport in case I was terrorism threat. I was barely a teenager.

Because boasting about how they won’t give out personal information for free gets lots of likes on the social media services they gave all that information to for free...

“While there are obvious concerns about privacy and equity that are worth discussing”

Travelling to MANY (though not the usual tourist spots) countries already required proof of certain vaccinations. Don’t get the big deal.