
I find her very pandering in an insincere way to the middle brow audience. She is extraordinarily loaded and has an elite bubble. It’s all trying too hard, I find it transparent.  Maybe I’m wrong b/c I never really followed her schtick .

Im gonna get ROASTED for this but I gotta get this off my chest:

The dedication to announcing leaving twitter and emphasizing why, it's a bit insufferable but hey, whatever helps you manage is great. 

I am a fat gay man married off to a guy who pretty much looks the way he did 1/3 of a century ago, when I first met him. I was thin and muscular then too. He maintains a regular gym regimen (to the point where, when Emperor Cuomo shut down the gyms, we installed our own). I, on the other hand, had my metabolism

Because, against all reason, women like the LW keep fucking them. 

Most of the time, parents need to approach differing opinions as a meeting of valid ideas to hash out an agreement. This is not one of those times. The writer’s husband is an asshole. There’s no middle ground here. It’s one thing to encourage your kid to live a healthy and active life. Teaching her that being

A man once told me that he would divorce me if I got fat. I am no longer with that man.

My father is openly fat-phobic. All three of his daughters either have or had disordered eating or a full blown eating disorder. His fat-phobia wasn’t the only reason, but it did make clear the one thing I should learn to ‘control’ in order to have any worth.

Jesus Christ. Why haven’t men died off yet?

I feel the same way about Demi had have found the doc interesting enough to keep with it.  It hasn’t changed my mind about her, but it’s an interesting portrait of an addict nevertheless.

How about we stop making women who have worked with abusers, responsible for those abusers? Especially if they haven't been subject to abuse from that person. 


Yeah, interviewers are going to keep asking actresses if he was creepy toward them, or actresses are going to try to address it so they stop getting asked, then then actresses get shit on for stating what happened to them. How about we stop asking them about creeps unless they've chosen to share that information?

Her experience is relevant because the question that was being asked was...about her experience. She answered the question, stated a you-have-to-read-between-the-lines opinion, and was trying her best to skirt around being sued. 

This is poetry.

I don’t have time to listen to the interview you link to, but your article implies (by the use of the phrase “it’s worth noting, without being asked a full question...?} that the fact that Sharon may have been trying to get in front of the question is a bad thing.

Jezebel, in a chiding, condescending tone, tells us that it shouldn’t be surprising that people can be more than one thing at the same time. In the same breath, it criticizes Sharon Stone for making that exact same observation.

That’s a reasonable take. “Some fat people will carry their vaccine cards around to get extra donuts” is ...not a reasonable worry.

god, i can’t star this enough. My mom was a hygienist and did dental health week at school and even she was like fck that you get candy on halloween.

You know she’s the lady that hands out toothbrushes at Halloween.