
The problem is Krispy Kreme does not expect you to stop at one free donut. It’s a marketing ploy to lure pandemic customers back. Come for the one free glazed donut, stay for a bunch of sugar jacked pastries, coffee drinks and snacks on display at the counter. The science is very clear that sugar triggers a dopamine

I think we’ve all learned this year that some people will continue to do the dumbest thing possible if it’s allowed. See: everyone taking vacations to Florida.

I don’t really get the snark about Harry getting jobs. Aren’t these the kinds of jobs most rich people get to stay busy and contribute, to find meaning and purpose in their lives? Harry clearly wants his life to mean something. He craves meaning, contribution, and belonging, just like most of us do. People with his

Came to say almost exactly this, leaving satisfied...

Honestly as soon as the dude was on my radar I just assumed he was some kind of sexual predator. The genuine surprise for me would be that it was a closet case; I have never seen a greater embodiment of entitled agro frat bro (not that they can’t be closet cases either). I guess if you told me he had either a dead

Didn’t we all call this about Gaetz three years ago? The only question was which gender the quietly groomed young one would be.

An unmarried man has suddenly adopted another grown man, who he now lives with.  I can’t imagine what all the controversy is all about.  

Well, he does call him “daddy”.

I didn’t want to say it, but yeah. This is a grown ass man who is no relation to him. I’m all for unconventional families, but not claiming him until he’s an adult is...odd. And oddly convenient.

I get why everyone is defending Harry against the snark of the article. It’s not that I disagree with them but I can’t help but feel a bit snarky myself. Sure, maybe he’s qualified, but I doubt there’s not a huge list of people who were moreso, but at the end of the day, they’re not famous. He was hired for the

THE WHOLE THING IS WILD. Nestor, for playing along with it, is just super weird. 

It’s the American Dream...a plucky immigrant comes to these shores and through determination and a little luck carves out a new life. Good for you, old chap.

Every time I see an aarticle about him/them, I always think that “son” should be put in quotes, cause...

In his new, definitely real role Harry will be “expected to have input into initiatives including product strategy decisions and charitable contributions, and advocate publicly on topics related to mental health.” These are real tasks for a real job. Despite having no experience at a start-up, no tech experience, and

Son. Yeah, sure. 

This “son” thing is weird. Like, even the best case scenario is weird. Other scenarios... [backs away from computer]

It used to be common for gay men to ‘adopt’ their younger lovers.

“Military” is a pretty transferable skill set. It’s not nothing, for sure. And establishing the Invictus Games is a HUGE bit of work experience that sounds like it will transfer well to his new work.

All of his work promoting mental health as a royal is also exactly right in line with this new job.

I’m not entirely

Harry is more than likely going to be a spokesperson for this company.