
Ironically, making this girl famous is also something he needs to apologize for.

[Dr. Phil voice]: “Now, you’re kinda like the person playing chess herr, only the squayes on the board keep chaynging...which is hard if you’re a dog on a long ride and you can’t stick your heayed out the window...and the lawn sprinkler in your mahnd is on wide spray but whut you need is a good positive straight spray.

People are rampant hypocrites— I used to think this was exclusive to the right-wing nut jobs (don’t get me wrong, they have it down as an art form), but I’m quickly finding out that the left is trying to catch up for some inexplicable reason.

Pinky in the air!  I also imagine her holding it with an “ew” face.  I imagine her holding most things with an “ew” face.

I want a show with this twit, Ellen, that bird Sharon Osbourne, and Piers Morgan. Call it “Toxic” and they could interview other toxic assholes every week like Rand Paul, that Bachelor guy and others. Daytime Emmy for sure. People love problematic people.

She says that for posturing, but I suspect is the zombie apocalypse arrived, she'd be holding a gun the way the wife of the St. Louis couple did. Hand on the hip. Three fingers on the gun. 

Is he still alive? Because my first instinct was woodchipper. 

No. If you were living alone- would you need someone to tell you to wash the dishes? No. You would see the dirty dishes and know if you didn’t clean them that they would stay dirty. That’s exactly what played out here. He didn’t ask her why she wasn’t doing the dishes or ask her to do the dishes. He realized that no

Wes, I am a man, and you are completely wrong for faulting women for saying, “I shouldn’t have to ask!” Why is it the woman’s responsibility to tell her grown adult partner what needs to be done around the house? Justify that! You can’t!

Better yet: just wash your own dish.  Individually, right before you use it.

Who asks me to pick up? Who makes my to do list?

Honestly, I think I’m Miss Potkin’s husband in my relationship.

I hope you don’t mind my gentle ask: why are you with someone who is insulted by polite requests to keep the space you live in together clean?

If it wasn’t racially motivated, why didn’t he attack a dildo/sex shop or a strip club?

I understand why the company did it.

This is essentially my life. I do all the cooking, washing up, cleaning, grocery shopping, gardening, diy, and most of the washing (she has a load of woollen cloths, I don’t have any, so she does those) and putting away of clothes. She.... doesn’t.

I was literally an asshole asshole ASSSSHOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE until I went to college and was exposed to more than white hillbillies from the cornfield I grew up in.

Full disclosure: I work in media, so I may not be unbiased here. Though I don’t cover crime or race.

I’ll be honest, it’s really difficult to view this as some feel-good moment or victory worthy of celebration. Essentially someone lost their job for tweets they made ten years ago when they 17 years old? And I’m not going to defend those tweets as they were idiotic, but this punishment feels wildly overt considering

This is gross. I’m as woke/SJW-y as the next far-lefty, but she was SEVENTEEN. Jesus christ. If she had put that stuff out when she was 27*, then’re a grown-ass adult by then and should know better. But call off the dogs for a few months and see if she’s grown. I was a goddamn idiot when I was 17.