
I would love to know the racial composition of the group of Teen Vogue employees who are probably patting themselves on the back now for getting a Black woman (and an outsider at the company to boot!) fired from a high profile EIC job before she even started it, based on racist Tweets that were clearly more ignorant

So, tell us all what you know.

Black Lives Matter Global Network can certainly afford to make the improvements to Rice’s community center.

So Rice is perhaps understandably skeptical of some of the corporate infrastructure that has been built up around what is, at its core, an organic, grassroots movement.

why would she go so heavy on the eyeliner and so small on the lips?  was she going for 21st century Betty Boop?  That is just such a bizarre look

Talk about wearing your mental illness on your face.

She reminded me of “mother” from Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I couldn’t pin it down at first, but there it was.

I am fascinated by her make up choices. I started wearing make up very late in life and always feel like I don’t have it right but then I see this make up choice and I’m like, “I guess I’m ok.” 

I could not care less about Chris Harrison. He could commit his life to a remote madrassa and I wouldn’t notice. But can we please stop doing “Person X isn’t doing what they’re famous for for 15 minutes of the day” stories? They are less than meaningless.

maybe not, but the alternative is all right, all right, all right.

In fairness, Abbott didn’t do any better.

I agree - but - Ask the same questions to Abbott and he’ll answer, “Those green power liberullles, if only we’d drill more, LOOK - illegal aliens stealing our power, it’s the Mexican virus.” Perhaps if we’d push his oil-soaked head under water.

I feel like the question is less whether or not Texas deserves better but rather, will Texas vote for better? The track record is not great

Isn’t his book all about abandoning his children to go have boners in the desert on a spiritual quest? Is that what Texas wants?

Could McConaughey possibly be worse than Abbott?

It’s pretty easy to “not have a phone” when you’re constantly surrounded by staff and lackeys who definitely will have a phone and definitely will let you borrow it any time you want.

There’s nothing shocking about Sellers getting canned. She’s an adjunct. There’s video of her racism. It’s created negative press for the university. If anything, Georgetown is probably grateful and relieved that responding to this incident is so easy. Adjuncts are only valuable to college administration insofar as

What is this take?? Yes, the clothes are hideous, but racism? Model abuse? Sun bouncing off snow in mild weather can be quite warm. I’ve personally hiked through snow in the Sierras in shorts and a tee shirt on a clear day. Was this a joke that didn’t land? Or just terrible writing?

Europe is been having above freezing temps for a few weeks now.
Those outfits are laughably bad, but entirely ok to be in outdoors for the few minutes they were wearing them...

Western Europe very rarely gets temps under 15°F, including in mountains.

As someone who lives high in the snow, I’m going to put on the hat of “weather truther.” Just because there are mountains and snow doesn’t mean it’s uncomfortably cold outside. There are sunny mid-winter days when folks at ski resorts in the Alps eat outside in short sleeves. Anyhow, as a fashion troglodyte, the