
They are to folk music what Coldplay are to rock. Which makes them much, much worse than Coldplay, because at least those guys don’t pretend to be the authentic earthy rural types.

Oh no, where are they gonna find another tweed wearing long-haired bearded white guy banjo player to replace him? And wouldn’t everyone notice it’s a different guy?

This honestly feels like a mistake. Keeping Pepe in the movie with this single scene and keeping it a simple lesson about consent seems like a missed opportunity.

I know. I hated how mean people were/are about her face. I think she has a lovely face and is aware of its shortcomings, like all of us humans are aware of ours.

Exactly - being rich doesn’t insulate you from racists or do we not remember the time Oprah herself got followed and harassed in a store. She’s one of the only black billionaires in the world and racism is still out there.

The gist of white liberals making anti-Meghan comments from what i’ve seen (that are not riddled in racism both casual and obvious and misogyny) “she’s rich, why is she complaining, suffer & die in silence, no one cares”

Please note that Mortal Dictatas analysis is very pro-monarchy and quite probably very English.

Which will never happen as long as Harry and Meghan draw this shit out instead of retiring to live the “private life” they allegedly desire.

So what’s their Hollywood-couple name? Shaaaron?

They’re both each others’ beards and hopefully will be decent parents. That’s about all one can ask for these days, after all. 

Nice beard, Rodgers. 

Yeah, that detail just got pointed out to me. So I more or less accept it at this point. I still think it’s a tad weird has those kinds of origins, but the time difference between when they met and when they started their relationship helps distance that weirdness.

As if Meghan requested to wear the those special earrings “You know, the ones that the saudi murderer gifted us”.

Just a different kind of Koresh. Branch Gainesians.

They are prosperity Christians. They believe that they are entitled to rule the world.

I assume he has multiple affairs. The dude loves himself so much that I can see him having affairs with women who love him as much as he loves himself.

This is the most accurate description of him ever. They're nice. To a point.

I may have my “unsettlingly charming red-state couple who do home renovations on TV” misremembered, but aren’t these also the folks who almost exclusively do renos for people from their church? Like, I’m sure they’re nice enough but that kind of self-dealing never sits right with me.

The most fascinating thing about them is that they’re objectively bad at what they do, but the masses lap it up.

These kinds of things always make me wonder what is ever “enough” for these people? What is the point of growth for the sake of growth? A monument to ego?
The 10 million they spent on their theme park thing could have been put in trust for their children and they could probably live off their investments and earnings