
This tends to be my opinion as well. I think that the concept of fairness in a restricted-class sports competition (in this case, women’s sports) relies on a fundamental adherence to the spirit of that restriction.

In a more sane world, everyone would just use the NCAA’s testosterone policy, and then be open to monitoring outcomes over the course of years or even decades as we continue to accrue more observations of trans athletes. This is a topic where I don’t really care about people’s opinions right now. I think the

I definitely missed that. Are you sure it’s there?

I agree the term was sloppily used when applied to him, but let’s be honest here. How many people are going to know what ephebophilia is? (Full disclosure : even as someone who reads obsessively, the only reason I know the term is because of a current situation a friend is going thru. “Things that are icky as well as

17 year olds are under the age of consent, not “children”, and they do not turn at there 18 birthday into ADULTS, they reach the age of consent, that is an very big difference

I just never tweet or post on facebook and pray my kinja posts can’t bring me down.

This is silly. No the difference between 85% to 100% is *not* that big, especially not compared to the difference between 85% and 0% which is what you’ll be protected at in the weeks or maybe even months before the vaccines are so ubiquitous you can choose which one you want administered. Hell, there’s not even a

Unsurprisingly, in the desperate scramble to protect their egos, senators overlooked the more legitimate criticisms and concerns about Tanden’s nomination

I briefly worked in 2019 at Meredith Corporation, publisher of People. Out of 35-plus print publications, this title was reported to generate somewhere between 80 to 90 percent of print and digital magazine revenue. And the celebrity obsession extended from the top down. Every decision was predicated on whatever was

It’s not as simple as the J&J vaccine “only being 72%effective in the US”-

Listening to a doctors on CNN this evening, they said that while the J&J vaccine shows less efficacy than the other 2, it had a later development timeline and included the mutant strains that have been popping up where as the other 2 were finished before that, though they are showing good results. They also said that

I saw the Amazon logo and some blue color above it.  I would not really have noticed it for 6 months, then one night when high I would spot it and spend 20 minutes trying to figure out what it is.  A Hitler stache would never enter this thought process, and the next morning when sober I would walk in my office and see

On a related note, the Cats That Look Like Hitler blog is still alive though it doesn’t seem to have been updated in six years.

you can't... nazi it?

I’m a big ol’ Jewy Jew and that does not look like Hitler.

I love you, and I like you. 

This was an interesting article. I haven’t really looked at a celebrity magazine in years since the internet has it all covered nowadays, but I used to love People and US Weekly.

Well, until you pointed it out, I did Nazi it.

It’s tape. It is really obviously tape. It looks like the edge of packing tape when you cut it off the little reel because the teeth are serrated.