
Australia has had a ton of lockdowns despite taking very strict measures...Yes, overall the countries that took stricter measures fared better but it’s not like they’re anywhere near back to normal either.

I wasn’t disagreeing - I was adding.

Yeah, I know, but I wasn’t just talking about Al Franken. I still don’t know how I feel about all the allegations (trust women, yes, but this had an operational feel to it) and I wouldn’t want him to run again, but I’m more generally thinking about societal condemnation in the age of social media and 24/7 scrutiny.

Does it, though? How much is enough? We all decide for ourselves, I guess, and for me, personally, I’m just wary about what the intents and goals are anymore. I want to believe (almost) everyone is capable of being a good person, even if they don’t agree with me on everything.

You know she wrote Blank Space in response to the media’s obsession with painting her as a serial dater, right? She didn’t put it out there, she was calling people out in that song just like she is doing now.

A photograph of then Minnesota Senator Al Franken pretending to grope Leeann Tweeden’s breasts while she was asleep certainly fueled calls for Franken to resign in 2017; but it didn’t stopped him from mounting an effective comeback tour.

A photograph of then Minnesota Senator Al Franken pretending to grope Leeann Tweeden’s breasts while she was asleep certainly fueled calls for Franken to resign in 2017; but it didn’t stopped him from mounting an effective comeback tour.

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but being old and childless, I just think having babies seems so weird.

Swift isn’t wrong though. Good for her for calling the writers out and for using her platform to shine light on the pervasive misogyny in our society. I don’t condone fans who are throwing out personal attacks in Swift’s name, and I doubt Swift does either. What is she supposed to do? Say nothing and just keep letting

Yep. His supporters don’t give a fuck; if anything his rapey behavior towards women is a bonus feature.

Pity he’s not a Democrat, then there would at least be a chance he’d have to resign. As it stands, I’m sure he’s in line for a GOP medal or something.

She is a garbage human being. She has no place serving in Congress. I want her to go away as much as the next person with an actual conscience.

The House has already passed that legislation. The President wants it. We have the votes in the Senate. Yet, an unelected staffer in the Senate decides that 30 million people cannot get that wage increase?

“I’d personally never heard of her before this week, despite her apparently having enough power to decide whether or not low-paid workers starve.”

It took me a second to realize who she looks like...

Her views (sadly) align with about 40% of the country. Her above described actions (also sadly) align 99% of all D.C. politicians.

I love BTVS too but Xander makes it almost unwatchable to me now. The one thing I appreciate about his character is how that sort of male-ness was so common in the 90s that at the time he was unremarkable to me as a young adult. 

Thank you. I’ve hated Buffy from the moment I saw it (sorry) and it’s for this reason: it was trying so hard to walk this walk. I feel that Firefly did a much better job of populating its world with women who actually had control of their lives.

He wasn’t even getting away with it because of that, but because that allowed us to build this whole myth around him.

For many, he was an example of what more equitable storytelling might look like, a model for how to create compelling women protagonists who were also very, very fun to watch.