
I’m at a stage of life where I maybe don’t care about this debate as much as I used to.

I hear you. I’m 5'7' and though I’m not thin at all, I think the boot cut with a heal works because the wider the bottom part of the jean the more even sized the leg looks, so it makes the thighs look slimmer on me. Of course this is all predicated on our bullshit society saying we need to look thinner, which, eff

people are still watching the bachelor?

I get why a deep, deep side part isn’t a good look, but some faces really do not look good with a middle part. I know Harry Potter references aren’t cool, but I don’t think most people are putting Professor Snape on their hair inspiration board.

Preach, brother/sister/person!

I wish I had a thousand stars for this.

Also, Political Correctness and Woke Culture both have a shitty aspect of self-righteous in-crowd elitism that sucks. I am a gen xer who has always tried to be an ally, and I hated the humorless self-righteousness of political correct culture (which I always experienced as white folks calling out other white folks to

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans,’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

This whole situation is a show of some sort. First of all, Aaron Rodgers is a very generous person and does a ton of uncredited work for kids charities in Green Bay and elsewhere in Wisconsin and in his home state of California. He is very humble about it, but does stuff like shows up to visit kids with cancer and

Something to also note Gen X is a smaller amount of people than the Boomer Generation so despite their influence on things it was also the minority in comparison. The Boomers had greater representation and power within society. Truly the millennials who are all adults now could easily take over and sway society over

They’ve already failed. Blaming the previous generation for not fixing their problems is how you know.

Is this because GenX won’t take a side in the skinny jean/side part war? 

Seems this is more an issue of the bigots co-opting language and twisting it than any particular failure of Gen X, to be honest. And I am certain that the same co-opting and turning into a slur happened before political correctness too. Seems that the bigots just don’t like it when we use language to describe their

High ponies look fine on me; even emphasize the cheekbones a bit. Low pony or bun? I’m Miss Havisham all the way. I get jowls I didn’t know I had.

Millenials seem to have missed the memo that once you hit 35 you literally don’t have to care about any of this shit anymore.

if I ever leaned into my cursed genetic combination of perfectly-down-the-middle part + shorter than average forehead, you would think I time traveled from 1798.

You ever feel left out that millennials went from war on boomers to war on gen z and just forgot all about gen x?

Oof! A generational war between two generations... both younger than mine.

Gen Xer here who knew better than to try the Docs and flannel look, because I remain uncool: