
My kid goes to a stupidly expensive private school and I can assure you that the parents there complain much LESS than the parents of public school students.

The funniest part of this racism is that it was even more unnecessary than usual. Like, of course you want to keep your core audience (whoever it is) while also expanding it. 

Cue the tabloids trashing Meghan yet again, when it seemed apparent years ago that ( not a prince) Harry wasn’t all that keen on the whole Royal thing. He has said quite frequently that his time as an active duty  soldier in the field was his favorite.

Honestly, everyone should be smoking out every day. And HOO BOY have recorded web meetings working as part of the legislative branch been fun the last few months. Talk about walking on eggshells. Favorite was walking people through a spreadsheet while getting contradicting evacuation/shelter in place notifications

The worst part, the very worst part, of any public facing job is the public. No question. If you work the register at a store, you see enough dead-from-the-neck-up people in one day to permanently ruin your outlook on the human race. If you work in the public sector, you spend at least one day a week fielding loud

But of course. The Royals are their bread and butter. They basically killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.

How much you want to bet the UK tabloids and their equally trashy readers will still gobble up every morsel of news about M&H while continuing to insist they wish the two would “just go away?” 

It’s just the latest buzzword. Something easy and infuriating to rally around. The more they misuse it, the more reasonable people get frustrated and upset, which in itself is a win in their eyes.

It feels like a big deal because Harry is the second son of the heir to the throne.  But, really its not a big deal at this point in time b/c Harry and Archie are pretty far down the line after William and Kate’s three kids.  I think they were smart to say no thanks and cash in on their fame and titles now rather than

They’ll probably stay too stubborn to realize what they truly lost (the royals, I mean, Harry and Meghan are 100% in the right).

Harry Mountbatten-Windsor. So pedestrian. 

I’m not here to tell you that you need to feel a specific way about Rush Limbaugh’s death. I’m not here to this Demi Lovato documentary is a good or a bad thing. I’m not here to tell you what is or isn’t important.

While Salma Hayek’s background is more modest, her father owned an industrial-equipment firm and was an oil company executive in Mexico and her mother, Diana Jiménez Medina, was an opera singer and talent scout. She wasn’t exactly a pleb growing up and she made a lot of money herself. She is rich and so his her

In fact if you listen the podcast critiqued here you would learn that when Shepard met the couple some seven years ago he found Pinnault to be lovely inside and out.

I love my husband deeply, but the older I get, the more I empathize with sugar babies and gold diggers. I mean, I just get it as an option, LOL.

He has a bit of that brutish handsomeness that Daniel Craig has, so I agree with you. And he’s age appropriate.

Am I the only one who thinks he's quite handsome?

That’s really not what Dax said. Megan clearly did not listen to the podcast and is just parroting second hand clickbait misreporting. Dax flat out fanboyed over Francois’ kindness and charisma. He said he initially made a stupid assumption, but was amazed when he actually met him and totally got what Salma saw in

Even if she did marry this guy for his money, who the fuck cares? It was her choice. Shit, I’ll marry an old-ass billionaire right now. Next order of bidness... write me into that fuckin’ will, yo!

The joke is that Ryan Adams would get really upset when people would mistake him for Bryan Adams and request he saying that song. He’s known for throwing on stage temper tantrums over it.