
Sex is suppose to be fun, as soon as its “do this, but not that; while thinking this but doing that” then you have ruined the entire point. Don’t get me wrong I love that my wife can deepthroat, of course it feels better to have my entire dick sucked not just half of it but it has nothing to do with patriarchy. ““Okay,

agree on the kink. If it’s in a fun spirit rather than a psychoanalytical one, it’s much hotter. Nothing kills the mood like needing to debrief on deep existential thoughts and socio-cultural implications after sex. “That was fun!” is a lot hotter.

I agree that its become an object of focus disproportionate to its role in women’s sexual experience. I just feel very seen because I’ve also struggled with this tension between my feminist desire to be seen as a human by my partners, and some deeply entrenched sexual fantasies that involve having patriarchy done to

Have you considered, even briefly, that sex is just another overrated obsession born from social conditioning? That would explain why we get so fucking bored with it that we feel the need to make it more extreme just to keep our fading interest, and when that fails, we politicize it, glorify it as an art form, split

Yes! So true!

Exactly what I thought. 

No question - he’s hot.  As a man, I’m completely comfortable saying that.  It’s the way his smile and laugh light up his whole face.

I tend to feel the same way, but at this point it’s just that: a feeling. It seems to me that a generation of young people are getting some really disturbing and misogynistic sex-education via internet porn. other (non-porn) contexts I’m always pointing out that whatever new, perceived “bad” might come with ne

What this whole dilemma reinforces to me is how toxic it is to over-intellectualize sexual desire, particularly at either extreme end, and how much extreme progressive movements can reinforce that problem if unchecked. At some point, what is there to gain from endlessly questioning if what one finds sexually

and none that quite so effectively turned me on

YASS and he is quite hot. I suppose I probably think he’s hot, because he was so adorable as Julia Child’s husband with Meryl Streep. It’s definitely the support of women, but he’s also damn stylish, sophisticated, funny, and tasteful.

I’m not for censorship or morality police taking away porn or telling us what is or is not acceptable in our fantasies - but, on the other hand, it’s hard to not think that porn is doing major damage to more recent generations, and it will probably only get worse over time. Young people especially, spending more time

All those rumors of “She got plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie” popped right to mind when I read that! 

Stanley Tucci in many, many films co-staring Stanley Tucci. Is Stanley hot in and of himself, or is Stanley so hot because we’ve gotten to see him support amazing women on screen for the last several decades?

The Devil Wears Prada, Julie and Julia both come to mind immediately, but I bet there are a couple more at

To all the men who don’t want supporting roles in female - led films: may I present, Brad Pitt, in ‘Thelma and Louse.’ :) Maybe only the really hot ones are confident enough to pull it off. ;)

Of course Machine Gun Kelly wears a lil’ necklace with a drop of Megan Fox’s blood floating in it. Naturally.

It’s a tough one. I think sex is a place where our subconscious minds, including all of the terrible messaging we’ve absorbed, come out to play. Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá about the sex lives of hunter-gatherers really helped dismantle some of those erroneous messages, and to remove a lot of

Olivia and Harry & Megan and MGK are both going to crash and burn so hard and I can’t wait.

Good god I feel seen.

Please let Olivia and Harry get married so they can hyphenate their last name as “Wilde-Styles.”