
We’re fighting literally thousands of years of cultural programming about “punishment.” It’s a small miracle that so many European countries have made as much progress as they have, but then again, they also unloaded all of their fundies (their heads swimming with fairy tale notions of divine retribution and righteous

There’s just no quick or easy way to get around the fact that there are handedly more white non-hispanic white people in this country than every other group put together; and it’s not even close. Nothing gets done in this country without some critical mass of white people getting on board.

So depressing but not surprising that it will absolutely take the White Perspective to accomplish any kind of meaningful prison reform.

(But seriously....what would actually be effective punishment for a Trump or a Sorokin?)

I would argue that this message is probably best communicated by a person of color (and indeed it has been many, many times).

Two words for all of you people who think this is somehow a new phenomenon for your righteous anger.

As an old Potterhead I loved this skit back then and I do now. The sexism was the joke here and you laugh at the mens idiocy not at Lohan.

Because jinni is a dogmatic automaton (like you didn’t notice) she has always made it a thing not to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

When I was single, I called it Singles Awareness Day. Now that I'm married, I still call it that. If I didn't have a kid, I wouldn't care. Can't wait until he's an age where he won't. 

Saw somewhere that Alyson Hannigan and David Boreanaz have been criticised for not weighing in on this matter yet, which is ridiculous. Ray Fisher and Charisma Carpenter were brave for speaking out about Whedon’s abuse; Eliza Dushku and the others were brave for supporting them. That doesn’t make Hannigan, Boreanaz,

That’s how I feel. A coworker of mine got COVID over the holidays, after she went to a big Christmas gathering with her siblings and their kids. Well, the one daughter who flew in from New York, had it, and got most of the people there sick. A friend was relaying a similar story to me about her Aunt. Again, another

I live in Nevada where we can have indoor dining at 25% capacity and have gatherings of up to 50 people. The CDC says “avoid crowds” but does not define “crowd.” Some say three’s a crowd, but other’s say two is too many. It’s up to states to interpret those guidelines and that trickles down to its citizens which gets

Indeed. I know people who have been incredibly strict (and preachy about it) in terms of isolation and quarantine who no doubt would judge me for being less cautious than they have been. Meanwhile I myself have judged those who have gone out and socialized without masks when cases are spiking in our area.

In the end, all you can do is take the best care of yourself and then of the people closest to you. I’ve certainly done my share of ranting at the TV when stories come on of WH events, big weddings and the like where few masks are in evidence. But yeah, you can only do what you can do. Now, if a family member or

The amount of absolute caution required of us all to avoid contracting COVID-19 is impossible to maintain. You have to go outside. You have to eat. You have to meet your delivery person. It’s impossible. I feel like starting there can help people establish a little bit more empathy.

I’ve been hyper-careful during this whole time, and also find myself inclined to judge those who aren’t, but ultimately I came to figure out that it just is not worth my time, energy, or the cost on my mental health to hold onto or cultivate anger or negative feelings against people. Me being mad at them won’t change

I can’t tell if it’s where I live or a general thing, but I feel like every business in my area has some “cause”. Like every coffee shop has to have a mission to “provide jobs for recovering addicts” or some shitty diner has to be “working with released felons for rehabilitation” as a very overt marketing angle, so I

overall this feels cringe.

I don’t know, I think there’s a lot of space between David Hogg Should Be Homeless Because Capitalism and Hmm Is It A Little Goofy That David Hogg Is Using His Massive Following Derived From His Position As The De Facto Spokesman Of A Senseless Tragedy To Build A Profitable Pillow Company That Relies On Tired

Yeah I am an OK cook, but watching me cook is a bit like a 3 Stooges sketch and I can’t practice a lot of fancy desserts easily since I’m the only one who will be eating it and then that’s kind of a waste. I want recipes that are going to be great or I want to see someone do something I could never do or don’t have an