
Yeah, Saget is in a tough spot. He won’t please everyone with any answer. We all love people who aren’t great or do/did bad things. She didn’t murder someone, she cheated. It’s a single infraction in a larger, systemic problem for sure and she lied and took advantage of that. But as a 30+ year friend of hers I’d think

Yeah, so strange. If someone is your good friend and they haven’t done anything TERRIBLE heinous, you’re likely going to keep loving them. Love the person, not the crime.  And even if that’s not the “right” way to feel, it’s strange that everyone cares about it...

Yea, I kind of feel for Saget here. He’s being asked to publicly give his opinion of someone who’s a personal friend who made a big mistake...and if he says “I love her but she made a huge mistake”, then “BOB SAGET SAYS AUNT LORI IS AWFUL” is going to be every clickbait headline.

Wait, this is NOT the fault of a “patchwork, profit-driven medical system”. She unfortunately did something really stupid, and there is not a fix really, universal healthcare or not. This glue is bonded to her skin, so just waiting for it to grow out or shave it off is probably not an option. Anything able to remove

do products now have to list everything they WON’T do or that you SHOULDN’T do with It?

They also don’t list everything it Can be used for, like Easy Off can be used for removing currency from another’s person, or transporting you to another dimension

This smells like a case of not reading labels

From her tiktok that she made (which I think is also on her IG) she said she ran out of hair spray (a very sticky one from Got toB which is called “Glued Freezing Spray”, but hair spray nonetheless) so she decided to try the Gorilla Glue spray adhesive.

i dont know if you can. have youbever used it? she pretty much made fiberglass atached to her scalp. 

i think i missed it, did she do it on purpose? like, had it not been gorilla glue would she had put any other brand of spray adhesive in her hair? on purpose.

When I was in the Army, we would occasionally have fights between our Mormon & Black trainees. Not sure if it was teasing about the Mormon underwear (a topic that came up quite a bit) or that the LDS kids had never seen a Black person close up, but it was pretty much the only kind of Black/white fisticuffs we would

What legal options? This smells like a case of not reading labels or Googling product first -before- using it. In other words, this shit is all on her, because GG has been on the market for well over ten years now, if not longer and makes clear that you don’t use it for anything you don’t want stuck forever.

Personal opinion: flesh colored lipstick creeps me out.

It was silicone and fillers.

What is it about ‘baby shower’ that makes Americans think ‘explosions’?

Can we please put an end to this need to make everything “extra” and performative?!? Baby showers were just fine when they were cake, punch, and silly games. Now, thanks to everyone thinking that events have to be nothing short of a spectacle, we have massive brush fires, people getting maimed, and now someone dead. I


The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.

This Britney thing is really starting to disturb me. There are so many voices, so many “friends” and “exes” and “insiders”.

SNL has always been very hit or miss. I really had higher expectations for Dan Levy though. He is so good and needed better material. I did find this one line in the monologue very funny - how people stop him on the street now; unfortunately what they say is “Eww.”