
Manson has always been a poseur. You want dark & fucked up goth, listen to Skinny Puppy or Diamanda Galas....

You’d be surprised, even Goth’s love reliving their “glory” days. NIN is superior. Marilyn doesn’t touch Trent... 

No shade to those who undergo surgery and get filler etc. (if I had the money I would!).

I love the all natural crowd! You know what else is all natural? Small pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis.

I have a childhood best friend from my small hometown (I now live in LA) and she has become QAnon etc etc - I sort of had a little falling out from her. Via trying to stay in touch with old friends on FB. I mean, it’s been a long time since we spoke but I felt like responding to some of her increasingly loony posts

This is kind of rich coming from someone who appears to have a butt-ton of fillers. Which is fine, get fillers if you so choose, but to harp on about how you prefer things that come from the earth but are fine with Botox/collagen injections on a regular basis.

Fuck, sometimes it feels like we’re descending into a new Dark Ages-like period. Hope the tree moss and leeches protect you from Covid-19!

Let’s get statehood for PR and DC and watch all their fucking heads explode; it would be the single greatest achievement of a Dem President since ObamaCare, and finally pull power and influence away from flyover states that do not deserve it.

A movie this bad doesn’t deserve lighting that good.

“Disruption” is such a meaningless bullshit term. All it means is the company is going to try to make a quick buck by skirting laws that are in place to protect employees and customers. When a company says “We cut out the middleman” they really mean “we are going to BE the middleman”. 

Also how absolutely binary some people are. Everyone going, “but just having books doesn’t mean they’re smart/not a shallow asshole:” sure, but the line doesn’t say that’s the only criteria. “Never fuck someone who doesn’t own books” doesn’t mean “therefore if someone owns books, ya gotta fuck them.”
I.e. It’s a

There is always and ever will be some well educated white dude who thinks they know better than people with expertise and experience. The question I have is why people in government believe them? If ever there was a process that shouldn’t be “disrupted” it is vaccine rollout. JFC.

Not “you people,” that was poor phrasing. I can see how you read it that way but not what I meant. Should maybe have written instead “how you get people saying...”

I feel like a lot of avid readers are also more introverted and a lot of people who don’t read much are more extroverted and that can work from some couples, but some people need someone more similar to them.

No, I got your point, I was adding to it: ‘’has books’ is a convenient, established, well-understood shorthand for ‘has intellectual curiosity’. So I don’t hate when people talk about ‘having books’ as a requirement, because I’m looking at what having books means to them, the nuance, rather than taking it literally.

For me, ‘Never fuck someone who doesn’t own books’ is a shorthand, colloquial way of saying ‘Never fuck someone who lacks curiosity about the world’. But I also feel discombobulated when I’m at someone’s house and they have no books.

Same thing happened to me when I got a facelift about 20 years ago. I went from having doors slammed in my face and being essentially invisible, to having those doors once again held open, seats offered and being hit on.

After I dropped 40 pounds, I had two longtime guy friends suddenly decide that they saw me in a Different Way. Did I want to date them? No, I did not because they lacked so much self-awareness. I also had an ex decide I was The One after all, and he swears it had nothing to do with my "dramatic transformation." (His

Alright.  Apologies, I’m in no place to tell you what people have or haven’t said to you.  I just tend toward the “a lot of people should be a lot more cautious” position.

I don’t think they’re defending anti-maskers, I think they’re describing scenarios in which shamers use evidence-based science to advocate for one behavior while ignoring evidence-based science to shame for another behavior.