
Jezeus knows I’ve made my share of snarky comments about how stupid and thoughtless people are. But yeah, the fact is we were lied to and abandoned and deliberately set against each other right from the start by the rancid tangerine in the WH for his own purposes. There was no way the online bashing wasn’t going to

And like I said, that was her decision to make based on her reality. I don’t really think you or I are equipped to judge why she made the decisions she made, but I have to assume that she made the decision that she felt was best for her mental health and her physical health.

When you get it, they automatically register for the next dose, since it does have to be on a specific schedule.

I know right!?!?!

This country is disgusting

And they’ll call her a “cop” who locked up Black people.

but then Kamala Harris will get the same treatment.

People who abuse their sound systems aren’t really enjoying the music. They are bullying everyone within hearing distance - usually males. They should all be kicked in the nuts when they do it.                                                 

How long should we wait? How many weeks/months do we watch writers on this site peddle populist grievance before it gets to be too much?

So it looks like The Root has decided that the role it wants to play in political discussions going forward is Black Eeyore.

“Biden is giving us something we claim we wanted so now let’s talk about this thing we’ve already beaten into the ground.”

Not quite. All of Mr. Crockett’s writing is on the crime bill. The parts about what is happening now are copy-pasted from CNN. So at least 90% of his effort was hitting Biden for the crime bill.

I guess the real question is whether you want to push Biden to be better, or punish him for his past. You’re stuck with him as President. You can go after Democrats for every terrible thing they have done, and every good thing they failed to achieve. And if you succeed in punishing them enough, your reward is

OK. So keep talking about 30 year old legislation, if it makes you somehow perversely happy.  The rest of us adults will be over here, moving on.

This. Nope, never forget his Involementin the Crime Bill, but ... yeah, I’ll take an honest “mea culpa” and an attempt to fix his mistakes any day over Donald J. Shitstain’s “not my fault”.

“I haven’t always been right. I know we haven’t always gotten things right, but I’ve always tried.”

The real answer is my upstairs neighbors. Their frantic walking at 3AM, obviously with cinder blocks tied to their feet, gives me very unlawful thoughts. It happens almost nightly. It goes on for 5-minutes or up to 3-hours. During the day, I get to listen to vibrating walls of hip-hop and rap; the second most annoying

Silverware scraping on a ceramic plate.

The most annoying sound to humans? Other humans