
Once you’ve reached the age of 86 and have survived, among other things, the deaths of your husband and daughter (who died within six months of each other), you’ve earned the right not to answer, for the thousandth time, the latest variation of “how are you doing?”

But can you name them?

Strange, I never would have guessed...

I really want to know little how many people actually belong to One Million Moms.

1. Good for you!

He’s left without a word apparently.

What is this? Did I just have a stroke? Do you actually get paid for this shit? What?

Literally the only thing I know about her is that Trixie Mattel did a makeup tutorial of Jojo’s signature look, so I kind of assumed she was an icon for the baby gays anyway.

Good for Joan.

Reaction from parents and conservative media will be a large factor in deciphering whether the cultural pendulum has indeed shifted enough so that a popular child celebrity coming out elicits little more than a shrug in response.”

I agree and disagree in part. Basically the only option cops have in situations like this is to remove Claudia and place her in the foster care system. As bad as Kellyanne is foster care could easily be much worse. In almost all situations short of physical and/or sexual abuse, police intervention against crappy

I wanna go hug my mom right now.

Is Lakynn really any worse than McKinli? Is this like a genetic thing? Or did one of her ancestors lose their soul in a cursed spelling bee?

Unfortunately a lot of these questions are ultimately academic. The system is not designed in a manner that would permit members of the House to never speak with members of their opposite party (if only because they veyr likely serve on bipartisan committees,) and in the Senate, Democrats don’t have enough seats to

I have a friend and sister in this category as well - not to this degree but some of the things they obsess over I can’t wrap my head around. The friend will not use a smartphone or tablet around her children and is shocked my three year old nephew has seen, *gasp* entire Disney movies. I mean, I get wanting to limit

Wait until it’s time to apply for pre-school, and on up.

Our pediatrician gave us great advice early on. He said “Go to Walmart and look around. If the people there can have 5 kids and they all survive, then a couple with 2 PHDs like you can raise one. Chill out.”

Wow. I know some intense A types, but nothing like that. A friend contacted me for advice on all the right stuff to read and decide on before the baby was born. Now, I get wanting to feel prepared and organized before a kid comes in and turns your life upside down. It’s hard to read parenting books when you’re

Thank you for this post, but there is much more going on here. There is a civil case that others have brought for similar circumstances that are being forced into “religious arbitration” because a few of the victims (who are no longer Scientologists) signed a billion year contract.

So, you are of course boycotting anything made in China due to the governments continued cultural genocide and force labor of the Uighurs, correct?