
Literally. She's literally cut off. 

Cripes, look at that header. Even in a random shot it’s obvious he’s coked out of his gourd. 

YES. I feel the exact same way about Adele. Like I respect her talent, but her material is a total snore. That said, Adele is such a talent, I think she has a truly great record in her somewhere, she just needs a producer who’s willing to edit the shit out of her.

Yep. I totally deserve to be called out for that, too. Because it’s a shitty view for anyone to have espoused. If someone were to ask me about notable American film directors, Hitchcock wouldn’t have made my top 10, even though I love several of his films. I always think of him as British first and forget he had dual

She fled the Nazi's and spent the rest of her life here. Immigrants are Americans too.

Immigrants are Americans too.

If I had to guess, he’s going to rehab in 3, 2, 1....

I’d be the last person to absolve Phil Spector of responsibility for his bizarre and abusive actions, but could we at least acknowledge the fact that he suffered from mental illness? It certainly isn’t an excuse, but it is an explanation and an indictment on society that he wasn’t stopped before the bad things

“He takes a pet, like, no problem!”

Yeah, I don’t get everyone else’s “she’ll never get elected.” Of course she will and I bet Rubio is terrified.

Yes. “Take your daughter to work” day.

She was invited to the G20 by Daddy, and she tried to speak at the adult table.

Yes but Hillary Clinton is a smart, educated, accomplished woman. Invaka is none of those. She was a great senator and even better Secretary of State.

That’s the thing about the Trump kids, they don’t have that same shitbag charisma that gives Don Sr. the cartoonish pro-wrestling heel vibe. They just completely suck at life.

Weigh in on what? It’s Florida; they’ll elect her and reelect her for the next 20 years. 

I’ve always wondered what her reaction was to this video. Was she mad or proud?

Going straight for a Senate seat, huh? That’s a bold choice Cotton. Let’s see how that works out for her.

I’m sure she’ll do well. The rich olds that only watch Fox news will vote for her, and the meth white trash that only watch newsmax will vote for her. That’s like 73% of Florida and she hasn’t even tried yet.

The new Lana song is sooooooo boring, and yes her schtick is played out. I was a huge fan but so many of the albums are very unremarkable, I have barely listened to over half of her work b/c she is too prolific. For some reason she just decided to churn out so much content, rather than try to write a more sparse

I think the thing that bothered me most about the Anderson Cooper “Olive Garden” dig is how much self awareness he lacked. Sir, your family owned slaves. Clearly racism and white supremacy isn’t just a white trash thing. It’s a white thing.