
He didn’t effectively quit, he straight up quit, no qualifiers needed.

He said he refuses to be part of any production that Hamada is involved with, which is all DC, what the fuck did he expect?

If you tell everyone you hate Johnny and you’ll never go to another one of Johnny’s parties, you don’t get to

No, no, no, you see stuff happened.

See, this actor had a role in a movie and the movie was really bad and needed to be fixed so the studio fired the director and pretended he took a leave of absence because of a family tragedy and then they brought in another director and gave him instructions on what changes to make with the movie and now the actor

The polygraph claim has effectively made up my mind about this, and it’s not in Fisher’s favour. There’s nothing to ask him about while hooked up to a polygraph because there are no concrete details about what his claims are. No one doubts that he hates Whedon and Johns and Hamada and won’t work with them. But there’s

Yeah, it’s pretty weird. There was something about colour correcting his skin tone as well, but that one was a third hand thing he had heard, and countered by a pretty reasonable explanation they had to match the bits that were filmed with digital cameras with the bits that were filmed on film cameras (with the

He still never gave specifics about what happened. I read he said Whedon cut his part, and that he was unprofessional to him. Just fucking say what happened dude, we don’t need a polygraph test, just evidence, stories, witnesses, or something.  

Come on, Ray. You effectively quit. At least stand by it.

There have so many articles about this, but I still somehow have no idea what’s going on.

For some reason every time I see Lizzie Borden I think of Lizzie Grubman, the socialite who back her Benz into a bunch of people outside a Hamptons club some 20-ish years ago and was a Gawker obsession for a while.

Yeah, well somebody should prove that, oh wait they tried and failed!

If you're doing creepy b&b correctly not only did you hear them but saw them through the eyes of that creepy painting hanging on the wall

Okay, I have absolutely no stake in defending Simon Cowell but why are you repeatedly dragging on his “20 years younger girlfriend” as though he’s a creepy predator leching after a high school girl? Lauren Silverman is a 43 year old grown-ass adult woman who has her own agency. She is neither a vulnerable child nor

“Picture yourself serving fun hatchet cookies, tiny johnny cakes and a scrumptious breakfast to overnight guests who have just enjoyed an experience of a lifetime!”

I’d take a whack at it.

As a relative of Ms Lizzie Borden, I believe I should just be given this house free of charge!

The police drove us to Murkowski’s home, where her husband had built us a nice fire and had glasses of wine awaiting us.

Why is the network continuing to give this story oxygen?

Jezebel is consistently bad at politics. Everything is surface level, there is no depth to any of it, and the analysis is often completely wrong.  They’re about clicks just like everyone else, so this sort of vapid, off-the-cuff stuff reigns supreme.

From the bad action, to the trolling, to the vague conspiratorial accusations, to the call for forgivness in 2021, this woman is literal a one woman metaphor for the GOP’s response to last week.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have the answer to the question,  " Why do people follow an obvious moron?"