
The adviser told me that Trump expressed disgust on aesthetic grounds over how ‘low class’ his supporters looked. ‘He doesn’t like low-class things,’ the adviser said ...”

Point of article: in 2021 you’re fucked no matter what you do, so don’t even bother trying to explain. 

The post was stupid and unnecessary yes but I’m sick of people calling her a “Karen” and “Trump supporter” when she is far from it. Anyone that actually bothers to do research will find that she has hated Trump since day one, and that she voted for Biden. 

The print cover meant to say every woman”. Silky drapes of her sorority colors for glamor, suit and pearls for power, comfy pants with her signature chucks for approachable aunt. Too bad the styling lacked coherence and polish. They also forgot to bring her face and eyes into focus.

Depends on the couple, I guess....My aunt and uncle dated for five years, got engaged, bought a house, waited twenty five years until they were bored one weekend and drove around until they found a preacher willing to marry them, filed the paperwork for the licence afterwards, had a second City Hall wedding just to

Your point was that it wasn’t personal. Some people are dicks. If it wasn’t this guy, it would have been something or someone else.

What's the point of being engaged for seven years?

Yeah, I never understand people going through timelines as though some magic a-ha! thing will jump out. I acknowledge that it’s a possibility but it’s rare that there’s one big event where an established couple can say “and that’s when it ended!” If someone in a relationship begins looking outside their relationship,

My ex dumped me, and I got with a longtime guy friend/my now-husband a month later. My husband was just waiting for me to be single, and he had nothing to do with our split.

100% this. As an actual Latina woman of complete European descent, it is infuriating 50 times over to see Jezebel define what is and what isn’t Latin time and again. This kind of ridiculous definition gives grounding to the racist Argentines telling 3rd generation Chinese Argentinas to “go back home”. It also erases

You can be white and be Latinx. There are millions, probably tens of millions or more, white Latinx people. Gisele Bundchen is Latinx, because she was born in Brazil, although she is of German descent I believe.

Yeah, I really wasn’t impressed with Tavi’s hawt taek. She’s an “influencer”, which is a pure product of late-stage capitalism. She’s just polishing her brand.

Karlie Kloss is what she is but something tells me that Tavi is angry at Karlie due to some fashion-related petty back story (or plain old fashion envy) and simply using this moment to bring her down.

Yes, they are a total joke. Annulments are available for purchase in the Catholic Church with loopholes for the kids at the right price.

Yeah, last I checked, she wasn’t really a DC power player.

I am divorced from my Maga in-laws (and my husband) and know for a fact you can’t do anything to “change their minds” . You can only get away from them, if you can. But that is not easy if you want your marriage to continue. 

I was thinking the same thing - Gevinson is full of shit here. Kloss can’t make them do anything, and we have no idea what the relationship between her husband and his brother is like (given the shit that Jared Kushner’s dad got up to, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not a lot of love lost). All she can do is take

I call horseshit on Gevinson’s “sick burn.” I don’t have any strong feelings about Kloss as a celebrity in general, but as everyone has noted, Kloss is married to the non-evil brother, and as everyone has also noted, there’s jackshit you can do to change the mind of a true MAGA Kool-Aid drinker, family or not. She has

It’s not “down the street”. Jared and Ivanka bought a home on a private island off Miami Beach. It’s like saying two people who both live in Manhattan are “down the street” from each other.

Most of  us have these relatives. You try but we are all responsible for our own actions.