
I think their day (as in, the day their ideas are more mainstream and politically actionable) will come—that day is just not today. 

It’s been difficult, but I’m fortunate to have 18 months’ parental leave (we live in Canada) and my husband had three months too (which he combined with a month of vacation). We recognize that we are luckier than most that way, even by Canadian standards (just because they can’t legally fire you doesn’t mean most

I don’t mind new people changing things for the better for groups that have been mistreated for generations. I think it’s good that younger POC are having a voice in Congress, this is how change occurs.

The article appears to take the position that what’s standing in the way of The Squad promulgating its leftist policies is Democratic leadership. Now, I’m not going to say that the fact that leadership is closer to center than the Squad has absolutely nothing to do with the degree to which the Squad has (or, rather,

Those shoes, periodt.  I think i owned those in 7th grade (1998).  They are horrible.

This is much more entertaining than her “acting” performances. 

Freedom Caucus currently has 37 members (not including this ridiculous Freedom Force which just... repeats the same thing the Freedom Caucus is already doing, but with a dumber name).

“the Squad is big”—and lucky for us it just got bigger.

Good. She’s been a remarkably successful Speaker. She’s not perfect, but the real problem has always been the Senate, considering the hundreds of bills she has gotten passed that died there. With a razor thin majority in the House her talents at keeping the Democrats united will be needed more than ever, especially if

This is in essence what 538 and many pollsters have been saying. The people who vote for Trump have a high level of distrust for any institution and especially the media. It was so hard for them to get Trump voters on the phone because of that distrust that it skewed the results.

I’m no fan of OJ or her parents, but I do agree with her. Her Mama did her time for her crime. She had a shitty year like the rest of us, and is hoping for better. 

Pollsters got a lot of grief this year, but if you look at what they gave Biden, they were pretty much spot on. Basically all undecided voters were the “shy” Trump voters.

I never trust polls. 2016 did me wrong!

I have a couple of high school friends who go through the same cycle on Facebook: #blessed memes, #foreverinlove posts, vague references to fighting but coming out stronger, more love posts, the “mutual” break up post, and then new journeys and self-care.

Ah, the I’m doing amazing stage. In about a month, Zoë Kravitz will debut the post divorce haircut/hair color change and posts about “journeys”. Stars, they are just like your college friends on instagram. 

well, really, Kobe wanted to be the Capitalist at the top:

“But it adds to the beautiful complexity of Kobe. Always pushing the envelope.”

Did Kobe cheat on Nike by raping a woman?

Do you think an 8-carat purple diamond ring would be enough for Kobe to stay with Nike?

I can’t be the only Latin person to have grown up not experiencing the “chancla culture”. The way Latin moms are depicted in the media is very one note. They’re always seen as disciplinarian, openly critical of their children and as someone who runs a tight ship. My mother was the complete opposite. She was always