
We can always rely on Joan for terrible takes and headlines on pretty much everything.

I’m going to say this much in my opinion, this young was probably strong enough to have survived the sexual assault, but not the outlandish assault sat upon her by her community, public servants, and that piece of shit family the Barnett’s.

Mmm, this is the anti-suffrage argument, i.e. “Why let women vote? They’ll just vote the way their fathers do.” I don’t agree with women who vote Republican, but I still accept that they have brains capable of reasoning.

Nope. It usually comes down to some religious nonsense (abortion, usually) or it’s about money. I’ve met a few white feminists (gen-x) that have voted Republican. When asked the answer is taxes. They want their money to do with as they pleaseIt’s a cynical perspective but that’s it in a nutshell.

Ellen Pompeo just likes making money. [People]

Anecdotally, I can say this isn’t true. Plenty of young, single white women have voted Republican. Usually it’s a belief they picked up about how the undeserving are using their welfare money for free caviar brunches all the time or they come from a fairly sheltered/conservative Christian background. Or sometimes

I think there’s truth to this. Abortion is a roadblock for a lot of “Christian/values” voters. But your comment different wavelengths and planets is totally true. I’m not sure liberals get this. My extended family are Christian Fundamentalists and Mega-Church Evangelicals. In particular, the Mega-Church peeps live in

A long-ass time ago, I stumbled upon a long series of accounts from planned parenthood staff (and unfortunately, I don’t have the link anymore), and a common anecdote was the daughter of picketers... or sometimes the picketers themselves coming in for an abortion, and then going right back to the picket line. I recall

It’s another click bait article.

The problem is that the opposition to abortion you’re talking about is bound up tight with a lot very deep emotions about sexuality and shame - especially for white women who belong to evangelical/traditional white Christian churches, where the theology is driven by terror of eternal damnation. And those churches have

A search of this article returns no results for “2018" or the term “mid-term” or “midterms”.

It’s satire, it’s supposed to look like that and then you laugh at how ridiculous it is.

I got it without any explanation. It’s satire. High-level satire. Nuanced and multi-layered. Commentary, opinion isn’t intended to reinforce what you think, but to challenge you to think ... more. Wish the Oregonian had said that.

Why would the papers listen to every complaint and ban the cartoon though?

Look in the mirror and realize that YOU are the type of person the cartoon is mocking.

If we tailored everything to the dummies, we wouldn’t have anything. 

So because you are dumb, we can’t have nice things?

Eh. Royals being funded are essentially public cultural works being funded. It’s not really something someone not of that country or culture can understand the whole value of. Maybe they’re worth it, maybe they’re not.

Do you remember when everyone had it as their ring tone? Hilarious.

If you aren’t familiar with daily struggles associated with severe ASD, you aren’t familiar with the hopelessness and desperation that can push a parent to do things like this. I am not defending dangerous “protocols” and what is essentially the abuse of a disabled person. It’s absolutely reprehensible and clearly a