
I thought the Wall of Moms was clever because if there’s anyone that Republicans hate hurting, it’s white affluent parents. It would be a gut punch to see them hurt as well.

lol at all the wailing Cats fans in my mentions. You can cry to someone if you’d like, but you can’t cry to me. I. Dont. Care.  Your shitty tastes in arts is a personal problem, not mine.

“The problem with the film was that Tom Hooper decided that he didn’t want anybody involved in it who was involved in the original show,” he told The Sunday Times in an interview. “The whole thing was ridiculous.”

Might they be... kitten heels? 😸

Agree. Way back in the day, I worked for a very rich person and came to know other very rich people, society people, entertainment people (not Jerry-Nederland-level people, but I was hit-on by a fetid, disgusting Bernie Cornfeld once and did watch a hugely popular/successful country music star at the time, sitting in

There really should be efforts to reform Ellen’s show if only because it sets a terrible precedent (which has already been set again and again lately with recent business/media scandals) for employees to expose problems with the result that everyone in the problematic enterprise loses their jobs. Why would anyone

Racism and mysogyny go hand in hand to uphold the white male patriarchy. If you're going after the accomplishments of these women, try to keep that in mind.

Pretty restrained performance from Robin Williams, too (although maybe not as much as Dead Poet’s Society).

a brief moment in which a Black woman throws a foul ball back onto the field with force and distance (thus implying that she could have played in the league, if only...)

This scene always sticks out to me because I vividly remember my mom pausing the tape (this was one of my favorite movies as a kid, I got the VHS for

Penny Marshall’s writer/director/actor Garry Marshall

Because the actors had to play ball (and in fact were cast based on their athletic aptitude)

This is still a great movie - and it wn’t hard to see the subtle lesbian subtext. It’s hardly like 1992 was so lonng ago. We all saw it.

IDIOT is their middle name.

I would go with Matthew Modine for Epstein.. he can play “Creepy Aloof” well enough to pull it off.

Okay, I’m fully convinced that Tilda Swindon is the best person to play Maxwell. She’s got the hair, the accent, the amazing acting talent, etc. I bet she’d be a better Maxwell than Maxwell.

If the deceased or the deceased’s family invited them, then that’s the answer.

1.) You don’t know who was and wasn’t a friend.

I know it sucks to hear but a lot of these “warmongers & war criminals” as you put it were beloved friends of the deceased. In fact many of them were specifically asked to speak by the very people being laid to rest.

Ah, Stokely Carmichael, the man who once said, “The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’”?

Today you had George Bush praising the importance of differing perspectives in governing a pluralistic society while attending the funeral of a man who voted against him quite frequently.