
Was it an innocent mistake? Perhaps[.]

My first thought, too. Plus, zero hesitation in saying “oops we screwed up and we’ll fix it.”

Wait, are there people who really think this was intentional?

hopefully Ms. Rasool and “the Folklore” will continue to get positive attention and sales. Also, Ms. Swift should buy plenty of her merchandise and direct her fans to buy merchandise as well.

She gets an instant pass for me. This ended up being free, international level advertising for TheFolklore. All good.

I’m glad Swift dropped the “The.” Fair is fair. But calling her logo “eerily similar” is a huge stretch. In fact, it’s so ugly and unimaginative that calling it a rip-off is an insult to the fashion line.

So nobody at The Root, the actual target demographic, was aware of The Folklore (and people in the comments who were actively searching for it still couldnt find it), but Taylor Swift should have been and it’s unforgivable that she wasn’t? Seems reasonable... 

Holy shit! Of course it’s a Black person who dies from it whilst the likes of Rand Paul, Katie Miller, Boris Johnson, et al. seem to be just fine.

OT - Thoughts and Prayers Topping Pizza:

But that’s a vastly different situation. Your grandmother had no choice in the matter and it was the US that required her to revoke her citizenship for her career and livelihood.

So it seems like the only reason she can’t apply for British citizenship is that Japanese law means she would have to give up her Japanese citizenship.

Breaking news: Person we don’t like used Government program...exactly as it was intended. 

Riverdale disrespected Josie, Val, and Melody. It treats Toni as an afterthought, and the most the show can think to show latinx culture is just to say “mija” every other line.

If her staff stayed on the payroll throughout the shutdown from PPP, then great for her/her company.

for the record, I don’t like her and agree she’s too rich for her own good,

meh, im personally pissed this money had to filter through businesses instead of going directly to individuals. it will be a great day when Americans and our politicians realize you are more than your job.  


It’s not like other small businesses could’ve benefitted from such a generous loan or anything...

Prince Philip doesn’t look a day over 200.

Presumably, she used the money to pay her staff. Her other dumb behaviors notwithstanding, that is what the Act is for.