
I can’t see whether the air valves in these tires are secured/locked/concealed. Otherwise, terrorists might let air out of the tires while the owner is chowing down at the Outback Steak House.

I’m surprised this hasn’t been given the general lee or maga red treatment yet. Or that Ronnie Desantis doesn’t own one.

Which “war” is the owner of this $100,000+ up-armored truck going to be fighting in? Battling trans-gender initiatives at the local PTA?

I wonder what the mesh screen on the exhaust pipe is? Maybe it’s tamper-proofing, and the manufacturer knows that owning this will subject you to many banana/potatoes in the tailpipe? Lord knows I’d do that, and worse, if I saw Alex Jones out and about in this thing.

Cybertruck doesn’t say I’m a weird dork, it says I’m a magatard with a non functional penis.

It just screams “I’m a complete & total fucking asshole” to me.

This truck says “my penis doesn’t work”

“I’m a weird dork...” is the nicest interpretation of what this truck says about its eventual owner.

Not a single person can give me a compelling reason to own an EV that doesn’t include 1. responsibility to our planet, 2. not going to the gas station, 3. hauling kids around...

Well... would *you* want to be seen driving one?..?

Is it bad that I don’t hate this?

I love a Gen X band keeping the torch alive for getting PAID FOR THEIR DAMN MUSIC. 

You’ve got to fight...for your sue Chili’s!

Florida man immediately regretful upon realizing the Walmart drone was delivering a shotgun and ammunition to his house.

When he becomes a President’s son.

Star for “ammosexuals”.

My fucking town. JFC - I suspected it was near where I worked (Leesburg) or lived. And it is.

I see this as a win-win. Ammosexuals are finally doing something good for their community by shooting down drones. And, if they’re caught, they get their guns taken away and are sent to prison. Like I said, win-win.

So this seems like an unsafe gun owner. When will law enforcement take his guns away?

It’s apparently quite common for Americans to shoot at drones everything