

Bethenny is not vicious and cruel?

Well, I guess it’s progress that you admit that Bethenny is a monster. It would have been nice to say that last season when she berated Luann for an hour or more calling her a “slut, whore, plastic fuck doll”. But it’s progress nonetheless.

You’re the fucking worst.

Serious question. I’m a 51 year old white guy from the northeast, and I’m full blooded Italian so I have had slurs sent my way plenty of times. One of my childhood friends, who is black, still calls me Richie the Dago. So of course I still call him Tar Baby Brian.  Does it only bother you when white people say nigger?

I can’t stand Kathy Griffin’s shtick, and she ruins NYE every year, but I’m going to hold off on the scorn for a bit. Yes, she’s doing this for the attention and publicity. But, she also may have the goods on the Donald and the hutzpah to see through a lawsuit or take the barrage of insults he’s hurling at her that

Sort of related but not really: I know Wes Hayden from the Bachelorette and he is every bit as big of an a-hole as they made him out to be. I had to ask him not to use the n word in my house. And one year, when when came to the family xmas get together, he showed up with a duffle bag of dirty laundry that he wanted to

I love a royal beef.

The fuck are you talking about.

Tiffany Trump is like that girl who adds you on FB (even though she ignored you back in junior high) & has “School of Hard Knocks” under Education. The only thing stopping you from unfriending her is all the awesome drama on her wall.

I haven’t said it in a very long time, but I’m not my grandparents and somebody will catch these hands.

Can everyone control their impulses to collectively shit on this film until it’s actually been released?

Yeah ... President Obama was supposed to have taken all their guns by now, too. :-/

I adore Michelle Obama. I think she’s the best this country has, and is actually way more than we deserve. That said, I’d be afraid to see her run.

I wish people would stop with the Michelle Obama drafting. She hasn’t done anything to deserve this.

Nothing Trump has done should stop her from trying out at least a second facial expression at some point in the coming season.

Uhhh yeah, I realize beauty is subjective and such, but “exemplifies western beauty standards” is A BIT rich. She became a Playmate because an old man deemed her fuckable. Without this scandal/crime, I doubt any of us would have any idea who she is. Skinny and blonde with big tits. Next.

She expected people to laugh with her instead of turn against her.

I’m seeing this through the lens of someone who grew up overweight and was overweight for all but basically the last year or so of my adult understand my bias when I say that I hope they nail her to the wall as hard as they possibly can.